Just to update bike was ran again for approximately 1min. Started fine. Idled pretty well for 40seconds and reved fine. As time went on engine noise got louder and bike was losing power and idle was very poor.
The initial suspected diagnosis of 'Melted Piston' - where did that come from?
What oil did your brother put in it, what filter? It seems a bit odd that this has happened after an oil change if it was ok before.
Cheap borescope (I think colour 100odd$ from aldi) look at bores and piston surfaces
Far Canal I guess that's where you and I are different. Id like to do as much as I can before proceeding to somebody who "knows what they are doing" do you have any input at all with my current situation or just want to refer somebody to a mechanic. I built a couple engines in the past and repair everything else I've came across in the past 15 years. I'm not here to justify myself just here for actual input and some things to go through before he proceeds to the next step.
How many K's on it mate?
Thankyou for the response mate. It is a custom dyno tune that has been in the bike for 3 years there have been absolutely no other issues. Workshop manual is on the way as I to have a 110 engine so will come.in handy for me also.
Um the oil is thinner when cold. eg 15w 40. w = winter. Thats why I drain my oil out when cold after leaving the bike overnight to allow all the old oil to get down.