I don't know about rev limiters and V-rods but the 3 blokes I have known who owned one of them there bikes rode em so fricken fast you would never catch them. One of them got the shits with the rear wheel bearing failures and went to Triumph. Still have not caught up with the other 2.
I used to race against V Rods at Sydney International. Some of them had Motor's a lot bigger than stock. & some supercharged or Turbo , Or nitrous Oxcide. also Harley made a limited amount of race only Destroyers. But V Rods don't take corners fast! A good friend Got killed on one.
Nice bike them destroyers big $$$ now
not if they are trying to sell one to me! I would not own one, they had gear box issues, but could spend big $'s to fix.Also they need high rev's to pull, I prefer instant low end torque