Online: Hilly


  • dicko
    4 years ago
    This letter was supposedly sent to a High School Principal's office in Broken Hill, Australia, after the school had sponsored a luncheon for seniors.
    An elderly lady received a new radio at the lunch as a lucky door prize and was writing to say thank you.
    This story is a credit to all humankind.
    Dear Sir,
    God bless you for the beautiful wireless I won at your recent Senior Citizens Luncheon. I am 87 years old and live at the St Anne’s Nursing Home for the Aged.
    All of my family have passed away, so I am all alone. I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown to a forgotten old lady.
    My roommate is 95 and has always had her own wireless, but she would never let me listen to it. She said it belonged to her long dead husband and she wanted to keep it safe.
    The other day her wireless fell off the nightstand and broke into a dozen pieces. It was awful and she was in tears.
    She asked if she could listen to mine and I was overjoyed after all those years, to be able to tell her to fuck off.
    Thank you for that wonderful opportunity.
    God bless you all,

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    What sort of wireless was it dicko. She may have a claim for not fit for purpose. It broke far too easily imho. 
    It might be also shown that the salesman sold her the radio knowing she was old and likely to drop it from her bedside cabinet. So we could have a claim for deceptive conduct. May take her 5 years to get it through the courts for an outcome. Perhaps phd could assist. 
  • dicko
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 21 Dec 2020 10:37 PM

    What sort of wireless was it dicko. She may have a claim for not fit for purpose. It broke far too easily imho. 

    It might be also shown that the salesman sold her the radio knowing she was old and likely to drop it from her bedside cabinet. So we could have a claim for deceptive conduct. May take her 5 years to get it through the courts for an outcome. Perhaps phd could assist. 

    Oh, those old radios had things called "valves" they came in triodes and pentodes etc . you may remember them before transistors. ( well I do ) They were made of glass and when you looked in the back of the wireless you could see em working ( glowing). Not many of them things around anymore.
    If ya drop them they shatter. and ya cant hear John Laws anymore. So the insurance man said its a write off.