Online: beaglebasher, B0nes

Your best guess for Trump's exit, $50 up for grabs

  • paulybronco
    2 days ago
    Speaking about sticking around and free speech....
    "Staff at the Age protest over Trumpet of Patriots gender ad as Newcastle Herald apologises for running it
    The Newcastle Herald has apologised for publishing a front page ad from Clive Palmer’s new Trumpet of Patriots party which says “there are only two genders”, as journalists at the Age say they are “furious” the Melbourne newspaper has apparently accepted the same ad for publication."
  • Jay-Dee
    2 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 12 Mar 2025 10:16 PM

    I did use the word free a bit flippantly, I've always believed if you think you are free, start saying no, see how that works out, but I ment you don't get chucked in a gulag for saying something "controversial", well not yet but the two nurses that want to send Jews to the promised land are testing the limits.

    Talking heads tend to attract fire, ask Kyle etc, read the room I guess, not every employer is gunna stick it out if it gets too hot, got to appease the masses, or should that be a noisy minority! 

    As long as you appeal to, or are liked by the noisy minority you're fine. Although they can, and occasionally do eat their own which is hugely enjoyable when it happens. The silent majority are too scared of being labelled racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, (insert your accusation here) to voice their honest opinion and too apathetic to do anything about it.

    Kyle Sandilands obviously makes huge money for his employers so he's more tolerable I guess. I'd bet he leaves a bad taste in some of their mouths though. His time will eventually come but I doubt he will care, he can sit back and enjoy his fortune.

    The two nurses have cast a huge doubt over their ethics with the very possibility that just maybe they were serious, who really knows? Either way I certainly wouldn't trust one of them looking after myself, or anyone really now. I doubt they will go to jail, but they've well and truly shit in their nest.
  • Jay-Dee
    2 days ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2025 11:50 PM

    Speaking about sticking around and free speech....

    "Staff at the Age protest over Trumpet of Patriots gender ad as Newcastle Herald apologises for running it
    The Newcastle Herald has apologised for publishing a front page ad from Clive Palmer’s new Trumpet of Patriots party which says “there are only two genders”, as journalists at the Age say they are “furious” the Melbourne newspaper has apparently accepted the same ad for publication."

    I'm not religious, but God help us.
  • flstc08
    Quoting Hilly on 12 Mar 2025 12:22 AM

    Free country, at the moment anyway, it's now a terrorist event if you egg a tesla in the states, what a fuckin shit show that joint has become. Albo making the right call on the tariffs, good to see him step up and be an adult about that at least.

    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2025 03:39 AM

    At this stage we have no option but be bent over as Trump ain't picking up the phone to Albo. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

    Quoting Hilly on 12 Mar 2025 08:46 AM

    Dutton reckons he would of got an exemption!

    Nothing like appearing delusional before an election!

    every country in the world is affected, no exceptions, and egg head Dutton thinks he is Mr. superior. 