Online: Hilly, pat

Your best guess for Trump's exit, $50 up for grabs

  • obisteve
    19 hours ago
  • Stuart
    9 hours ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 16 Feb 2025 09:54 PM

    Its always intrigued me about peoples privacy...yet those same people have social media and share crap on the internet, they have a mobile phone that has location services , they are photographed daily via either a council or government or private cctv camera, they use a credit card, their phone pairs with the infotainment system on the car, the same phone that has all your contacts , photos, some cases credit card details and think nothing about it. All this data can go anywhere in the world yet they are worried that someone knows your name and needs suing for breaching their privacy. 

    Quoting B0nes on 16 Feb 2025 10:55 PM

    Used to work with a clown who claimed that covid was a scam so they could inject a chip under the guise of getting a vaccine shot. I asked her why and her response was that the Government could track your movements. I gave up trying to tell her that if they wanted to do that they already could because 99.9% of people have a mobile phone, which they can track if need be. Also asked her what she had done in her life that made her so important that the Government would want to know her every move. Had fun telling her that the chip in her licence was what they used to track people and the boxes on the side of the road at intersections not only worked the traffic lights but also tracked her movements.

    Quoting obisteve on 18 Feb 2025 12:24 AM

    Necessary for self protection in these strange times.

    And BOnes, those roadside boxes at intersections are so old tech, now they use induction loops buried in the bitumen to track people. You see them everywhere now, middle of back roads out in the sticks.
    And if your former colleague can't work from the attached instruction sheet, tell her that there's lots of good training videos for this on YouTube.

    Just had a good look at this - "brought to you by the lizard people". Cracked me up :-)