Ride pics

  • Neale
    2 years ago
    Had to take the old girl for a run, it was her 15th birthday after all.
    So up the putty Rd, and it’s still riddled with holes.
  • diomac
    2 years ago
    Took the Bob on its first Beechmont run over the weekend, what a cracking day it was for it too.
  • Jayman6
    2 years ago
    Quoting diomac on 26 Sep 2022 09:50 AM

    Took the Bob on its first Beechmont run over the weekend, what a cracking day it was for it too.

    I was up there myself on Sunday, then down to Tyalgum for a coffee and back. 
  • evo94
    2 years ago
    Quoting diomac on 26 Sep 2022 09:50 AM

    Took the Bob on its first Beechmont run over the weekend, what a cracking day it was for it too.

    amazing how that cowling changes the look of that bike - awesome
  • obisteve
    3 months
    Just out poking around up the valley. Road I was following narrowed down and ended at a locked gate. Turned around, enjoyed the ride back.

  • paulybronco
    3 months
    Had a ride out past  your old home today Steve...ended up turning at Kingman Creek rd and up the dirt to the top of the hill......caught the local plod in a Prado halfway up the hill on the dirt who kindly pulled over and allowed me thru uninterrupted. Was 4 degrees up the top but a lovely sunny day once out of the forest. Road was very slippery with shit loads of powder dust but a blast regardless. See a few properties out there with sold signs.
  • obisteve
    3 months
    If you mean Kidaman ck road, seen some strange things on it. The police motorcycle training squad a couple of times, once with the instructor falling off in front of his trainees, an RACQ team road testing luxury SUVs, sliding a Porche Cayenne round the bends with the massive grin that only comes from flogging the tripes out of someone else's Porche on a dirt road and the winner, a couple of M113 armoured personnel carriers complete with gunshields and .50 cals up top.
    Haven't been back for a couple of years, the bushfire last year that triggered the evacuation warnings might have prompted some sales.
  • paulybronco
    3 months
    Quoting obisteve on 20 Jul 2024 12:00 PMedited: 20 Jul 2024 12:14 PM

    If you mean Kidaman ck road, seen some strange things on it. The police motorcycle training squad a couple of times, once with the instructor falling off in front of his trainees, an RACQ team road testing luxury SUVs, sliding a Porche Cayenne round the bends with the massive grin that only comes from flogging the tripes out of someone else's Porche on a dirt road and the winner, a couple of M113 armoured personnel carriers complete with gunshields and .50 cals up top.

    Haven't been back for a couple of years, the bushfire last year that triggered the evacuation warnings might have prompted some sales.

    Yes ...it was my poor spelling that got me! 
  • obisteve
    2 months
    Rained a bit this morning, so I had to go out and play in it.
    Went up though Monsildale, with a bit of a detour out to Loisavale and back. All up the Monsildale Valley the land owners had been burning, great to see, means we won't be called out to there later in the bushfire season.
    Ended up near the old Jimna fire tower, which has seen better days. Climbed it once, but that was about 30 years ago.
