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Bike suddenly stopped
Bike suddenly stopped
4 years ago
Can be internal or external.
As a quick check, flick the ignition switch on off rapidly 6 times or so times just in case it’s slightly corroded internal contacts. Any alarm might get confused but it’ll settle.
If it solves the problem, pull the main fuse and give the ignition switch a good work out, on off 20 or 30 times to clean the contacts.
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
sounds like you have a problem in switch, but not sure if you need a lock smith or an Auto electrician. unless you are good at electrics & can test yourself.
But to me it is puzzling that acted like it had a flat battery, but you could clutch start in 4th down a hill. personally I hate electric's!!
good luck at it & don't ride until you solve problem.
Grease Monkey
4 years ago
Rick I can't see where you said what year the sporty is and it's been 17 years since I owned one, a 96 model, so I may be way off but is there a main circuit breaker? I seem to remember something about them having this sort of problem from time to time, it resets itself and can fail, I know I used to incorporate them into running the headlight off the alternator output for a brighter quartz halogen light way back then.
4 years ago
your photography skills need working on rick.
A mate had an 1986 sporty and the key went in somewhere under the fuel tank ( from memory )
Sounds like youve troubleshooted the problem . How many wires go to the switch?
As magnum suggested why dont you cut all the wires ( negate the switch ) and play around with the wires and see what happens.
4 years ago
Please don’t cut any wires!! Get a sparky in.
Edit. Would flooding the lock / switch with that fast drying electrical contact cleaner be an option. Only couple bucks a tin.
4 years ago
Quoting beaglebasher on 26 Sep 2020 11:04 AM
your photography skills need working on rick.
A mate had an 1986 sporty and the key went in somewhere under the fuel tank ( from memory )
Sounds like youve troubleshooted the problem . How many wires go to the switch?
As magnum suggested why dont you cut all the wires ( negate the switch ) and play around with the wires and see what happens.
Hey BB....he's "pushed a pin through the 3 wires" - that's a new one for me!
4 years ago
electrical problems are a pain in the arse.
4 years ago
follow the manual and stick with genuine HD parts and you will get it fixed easy
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
I thought I'd ask, what sort of Harley is it & is it Carb or EFI & what year?
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
there would not be vibration there as rubber mounted, the motor might shake on the rubber mounts at idle, but i's isolated from the frame, were that switch is mounted. as it did start when you pushed down a hill & it fired, that indicates battery has enough power to power the ecu, just before you spend money on anything, go right over all the wiring especially under the bike, look for a flat wire. first. once you eliminate that then replace other parts. but definitely sounds like it's an electrical prob. ( I miss my old kick start Shovel ! simple )
Grease Monkey
4 years ago
Seems there is still a circuit breaker in there, you sure it's ok Rick?
4 years ago
reading your first post on the issue reminds me of my mates 2017 CVO breakout issue he had
lights & everything came on, went to start, seemed like flat battery. put on trickle charger and left overnight, same thing
put the battery from my softail in it and it would not start, starter would click but battery works fine in my bike and still there
no blown fuses or anything obvious.
Suspecting the starter I bridged the starter with a cable and it would crank over but still not fire
took to harley under warranty and ended up being the regulator
Grease Monkey
4 years ago
Battery earth ok? Might look ok and be tight but could be corroded and not earthing maybe, I don't think that wiring diagram I put up earlier is right either, will see if I can find the right one on the web.
Grease Monkey
4 years ago
Try that mate, 2010 sportster.
4 years ago
great news Rick !
4 years ago
3 pages of mindless entertainment though
4 years ago
Great fault-finding, brain-storming, cooporation & selfless information exchanging in the technical section of HD Forums. Apparently some don't like this sorta thing ;-)
4 years ago
I'm pleased that you didn't have to cut out / pull down / replace the ignition switch Rick. That could have been a real pain. Imagine, "then" finding out it was simply a loose battery terminal.
4 years ago
Fault-finding is a learning experience, you always gain something from it all.
4 years ago
well done
the wiring and components on these bikes are very resilient.
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