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Front fork protrusion on Wide Glide

  • micathia
    4 years ago
    In case you don't know protrusion means, here is the photo shows it. 

    My question is, is this the case for Wide Glide or not? Coz I just noticed mine are like that. My forks look like this:
    [will upload photos later]. 

    Can someone check their widy? On mine, the front side is longer than rear side. Is this by design for wide glide? I heard FXDWG has 2 extra degrees on trees?

  • tussuck
    4 years ago
    Good question... definiety a few degrees of rack there
  • Steve L
    Steve L
    4 years ago
    Not sure what you mean by front and rear side but the fork tubes should be at the same level. Pushing them thru the triple trees lowers the front a little and changes the geometry a little as well.
  • Benno
    4 years ago
    Mic, here is a pick of my 07 wide glide, pertrudes about 4-5mm then the cap.

  • micathia
    4 years ago
    "the fork tube should be at 90 to the clamp", this is exactly my question. 
    Mine is not. Mine is wide glide, it has 2 degrees on tripe trees. So my forks are not parallel to the neck. Maybe because of the 3 degree rake, fork tube is NOT at 90 to the clamp by design? 
  • micathia
    4 years ago
    Quoting Benno on 09 Aug 2020 02:36 AM

    Mic, here is a pick of my 07 wide glide, pertrudes about 4-5mm then the cap.

    Does your 07 widy has 2 degree extra rake on triple tree? if so is the protrusion even around 360 degrees on both forks?
    edit:  I just download your pic and rotated it and looked. Yours is same as mine. uneven protrusion. I think its just by design. 
  • Benno
    4 years ago
    Your right Mic, never noticed it before and yes mine has 2 degrees in the trees also.
  • robots
    4 years ago
    Measurement is taken in middle of fork tube And includes fork cap
    Should be between 11.4-12.5mm approx. Protusion. 

  • Ratbob
    4 years ago
    Yeah, Twin cam Wideglides run a 34 degree frame with 2 degrees in the tree achieved by drilling the fork tube clamps at a 2 degree angle so yeah the tubes should not be at 90 degrees to the tree.
    The protrusion only needs to be the top few ml of the fork tube. You can’t see clearly on Micathia’s photo  where the hard chrome finish changes to satin. Only the satin bit needs to protrude so his are protruding more than necessary, (not that it matters if both are the same) 
    You can adjust them while on the side stand, loosen one at a time and tap em down with a rubber mallet. Mark the bolt heads position with the tree so you don’t over tighten, these buggers can snap. Look at the back of the tube when tapping as the front will protrude a tad further, is normal.
  • Benno
    4 years ago
    Quoting robots on 09 Aug 2020 06:09 AMedited: 09 Aug 2020 06:09 AM

    Measurement is taken in middle of fork tube And includes fork cap

    Should be between 11.4-12.5mm approx. Protusion. 

    Sweet, I am seeing 13mm approx in the center of the cap.