Online: Hilly, softfat, Ultramick

American Idiots

  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting RossW on 10 Jun 2020 10:56 PM

    It's not about black lives being more important, it's about black lives being less unimportant.

    Quoting paulybronco on 10 Jun 2020 11:07 PM

    I watched that live on TV, very good speech by him.

    Unsurprising that it's on the ABC.
    There's no doubt that some racism and discrimination occurs and that's always going to happen no matter what, some people are just racist, you'll never change that. But some of the examples he gives in that speech are perceptions of something that is probably not intended as, or even remotely resembles true racism. If you go looking for it you will find it everywhere if that's what you want to see. I think that some black people have a bigger problem with the fact that they're black than what they think us whites actually do. Discrimination against whites seems to be ok though from what I can work out, I guess because apparently we've been the bad guys for so long.
    And if he wants to point the finger about being labelled a black actor or sportsperson or whatever, look no further than the media (ironically including the ABC) because they're the ones who will usually highlight that to try and bring positive attention to Aboriginals, Muslims etc. I certainly don't agree with it, everyone's equal and should be treated as such with no fanfare for any race, colour or religion (to be fair regarding religion we only really highlight if a Muslim does anything, we never mention the first Catholic, Baptist, Hindu etc). 

    We have posters stuck up at work everywhere about celebrating our diversity, surely that's highlighting that we have different looking people when we should be treating everyone the same, we can't really do that though for fear of offending someone. If I gave some of the shit to anyone from a minority group that I give to or cop back from my white co-workers I'd get hauled into HR before my feet could touch the floor, if not by them by someone itching to be offended on their behalf.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Even beaglebasher got it right.
    In highlighting what you observe is PB's bias that's a put down for beagle isn't it?
  • steelo
    4 years ago

  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Thanks steelo.
    That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
  • Phatty
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 10 Jun 2020 07:29 AM

    Some tough questions asked to the protesters.....interesting replies.

    This is how fucked Australia is. Fuckers don't even know what they are protesting about. Fuck'em
  • Wideglider
    4 years ago
    Can you believe it - protesters have planned ANOTHER rally from Sydney Town Hall tomorrow! 
    Government & Police have not approved it, but protesters are appealing in court now for it to take place, if they fail say they will go ahead anyway. 
    If the protest is illegal, police have all the  powers they then need to act. I'm am not normally one for encouraging police to fine or arrest - but think they should come down hard - it is just not the time for mass gatherings. 
    So many businesses failed because of restrictions on gatherings and then to see this happening?  
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Sort of, I guess this is why some people get offended at different things.
    I don't take things personally or get offended at stuff on the internet but I read that like even that dumbarse got it right and you couldn't (maybe not your intention) which is why I mentioned it. Beagle's been copping a bit of flack from another member lately.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting Wideglider on 11 Jun 2020 06:20 AM

    Can you believe it - protesters have planned ANOTHER rally from Sydney Town Hall tomorrow! 
    Government & Police have not approved it, but protesters are appealing in court now for it to take place, if they fail say they will go ahead anyway. 
    If the protest is illegal, police have all the  powers they then need to act. I'm am not normally one for encouraging police to fine or arrest - but think they should come down hard - it is just not the time for mass gatherings. 
    So many businesses failed because of restrictions on gatherings and then to see this happening?  

    The police won't do anything, they won't be game to with all the media this has been getting worldwide lately.
  • tussuck
    4 years ago
    Quoting Wideglider on 11 Jun 2020 06:20 AM

    Can you believe it - protesters have planned ANOTHER rally from Sydney Town Hall tomorrow! 
    Government & Police have not approved it, but protesters are appealing in court now for it to take place, if they fail say they will go ahead anyway. 
    If the protest is illegal, police have all the  powers they then need to act. I'm am not normally one for encouraging police to fine or arrest - but think they should come down hard - it is just not the time for mass gatherings. 
    So many businesses failed because of restrictions on gatherings and then to see this happening?  

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 06:36 AM

    The police won't do anything, they won't be game to with all the media this has been getting worldwide lately.

    YEah, but its only Sydney!  the city that welcomes contagion cruise liners....
  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 06:31 AM

    Sort of, I guess this is why some people get offended at different things.

    I don't take things personally or get offended at stuff on the internet but I read that like even that dumbarse got it right and you couldn't (maybe not your intention) which is why I mentioned it. Beagle's been copping a bit of flack from another member lately.

    I understand why you read it as a derogatory / condescending statement JD but there was only one word in magnums post that made you think that.
    It could EVEN be considered a typo.  I took no offence whatsoever.  
    We have all posted stuff that in retrospect we could have worded better.
    The other forum member you allude to isnt really a forum member at all . He is a fukin troll who has been plaguing this forum for years under different names.  speedy being one of them and now 103. 
    And to get back on fukin track again there was a cartoon in yesterdays Daily Telegraph depicting Donald Trump looking like King Kong up the top of the building swiping at the aeroplanes. 
    I wonder what would have been the repercussions if Barak Obama had been depicted like that?

  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 06:31 AM

    Sort of, I guess this is why some people get offended at different things.

    I don't take things personally or get offended at stuff on the internet but I read that like even that dumbarse got it right and you couldn't (maybe not your intention) which is why I mentioned it. Beagle's been copping a bit of flack from another member lately.

    Quoting beaglebasher on 11 Jun 2020 08:41 AM

    I understand why you read it as a derogatory / condescending statement JD but there was only one word in magnums post that made you think that.

    It could EVEN be considered a typo.  I took no offence whatsoever.  
    We have all posted stuff that in retrospect we could have worded better.
    The other forum member you allude to isnt really a forum member at all . He is a fukin troll who has been plaguing this forum for years under different names.  speedy being one of them and now 103. 
    And to get back on fukin track again there was a cartoon in yesterdays Daily Telegraph depicting Donald Trump looking like King Kong up the top of the building swiping at the aeroplanes. 
    I wonder what would have been the repercussions if Barak Obama had been depicted like that?

    All good Beagle, I'm sure you can handle things anyway.
    Back on track if they did that portraying Obama as King Kong we'd never hear the end of it, that's the biggest problem I have with all this is the hypocrisy and how there's rules for some, different rules and what's deemed acceptable for others.

    It's just embarrassing and no one seems to call it out, the few that do get called extreme right wingers, racist, homophobic etc, WTF? The world is going to shit.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 06:31 AM

    Sort of, I guess this is why some people get offended at different things.

    I don't take things personally or get offended at stuff on the internet but I read that like even that dumbarse got it right and you couldn't (maybe not your intention) which is why I mentioned it. Beagle's been copping a bit of flack from another member lately.

    Quoting beaglebasher on 11 Jun 2020 08:41 AM

    I understand why you read it as a derogatory / condescending statement JD but there was only one word in magnums post that made you think that.

    It could EVEN be considered a typo.  I took no offence whatsoever.  
    We have all posted stuff that in retrospect we could have worded better.
    The other forum member you allude to isnt really a forum member at all . He is a fukin troll who has been plaguing this forum for years under different names.  speedy being one of them and now 103. 
    And to get back on fukin track again there was a cartoon in yesterdays Daily Telegraph depicting Donald Trump looking like King Kong up the top of the building swiping at the aeroplanes. 
    I wonder what would have been the repercussions if Barak Obama had been depicted like that?

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 12:28 PMedited: 11 Jun 2020 12:53 PM

    All good Beagle, I'm sure you can handle things anyway.

    Back on track if they did that portraying Obama as King Kong we'd never hear the end of it, that's the biggest problem I have with all this is the hypocrisy and how there's rules for some, different rules and what's deemed acceptable for others.

    It's just embarrassing and no one seems to call it out, the few that do get called extreme right wingers, racist, homophobic etc, WTF? The world is going to shit.

    Everything to extremes mate, common sense is just not so common no more, the world is on a path that has left many behind, right and wrong has got as blurry as modern day gender.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 11 Jun 2020 08:41 AM

    I understand why you read it as a derogatory / condescending statement JD but there was only one word in magnums post that made you think that.

    It could EVEN be considered a typo.  I took no offence whatsoever.  
    We have all posted stuff that in retrospect we could have worded better.
    The other forum member you allude to isnt really a forum member at all . He is a fukin troll who has been plaguing this forum for years under different names.  speedy being one of them and now 103. 
    And to get back on fukin track again there was a cartoon in yesterdays Daily Telegraph depicting Donald Trump looking like King Kong up the top of the building swiping at the aeroplanes. 
    I wonder what would have been the repercussions if Barak Obama had been depicted like that?

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 12:28 PMedited: 11 Jun 2020 12:53 PM

    All good Beagle, I'm sure you can handle things anyway.

    Back on track if they did that portraying Obama as King Kong we'd never hear the end of it, that's the biggest problem I have with all this is the hypocrisy and how there's rules for some, different rules and what's deemed acceptable for others.

    It's just embarrassing and no one seems to call it out, the few that do get called extreme right wingers, racist, homophobic etc, WTF? The world is going to shit.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Jun 2020 06:42 AM

    Everything to extremes mate, common sense is just not so common no more, the world is on a path that has left many behind, right and wrong has got as blurry as modern day gender.

    Spot on Hilly and I'm one getting left behind.

    And just in case you think it can't get any more stupid.

  • Wideglider
    4 years ago
    Thanks for the link Jay-Dee, he makes some good comparisons.
    Hopefully it will come full-circle, so then this banning movies & tearing down statues (they'll be burning books next) will stop, after people finally realise that you can't change history - but you can change attitudes.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 11 Jun 2020 12:28 PMedited: 11 Jun 2020 12:53 PM

    All good Beagle, I'm sure you can handle things anyway.

    Back on track if they did that portraying Obama as King Kong we'd never hear the end of it, that's the biggest problem I have with all this is the hypocrisy and how there's rules for some, different rules and what's deemed acceptable for others.

    It's just embarrassing and no one seems to call it out, the few that do get called extreme right wingers, racist, homophobic etc, WTF? The world is going to shit.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Jun 2020 06:42 AM

    Everything to extremes mate, common sense is just not so common no more, the world is on a path that has left many behind, right and wrong has got as blurry as modern day gender.

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 12 Jun 2020 10:43 AMedited: 12 Jun 2020 10:53 AM

    Spot on Hilly and I'm one getting left behind.

    And just in case you think it can't get any more stupid.

    Cleese was tongue in cheek before the alphabet soup crowd were even born, have all the faulty towers episodes on DVD, my dad hated him, didn't get it, brothers and I laughed till we cried at times, bongs made it even funnier.
  • rkr
    4 years ago
    We live in a fucked up world. I cancelled my Netflix subscription due to the political correct idiocy going on. I must admit to losing any respect I once had for our police force. People have given up the right to farewell deceased family members at the request of our elected leaders. Businesses have gone to the wall etc., all because we were told it was for the greater good of the country. People of different religious persuasions have had to deal with important observances not going ahead & even Anzac Day was fucking cancelled for the "greater good" of the country. Now our authorities have spat in all our faces by letting these fucking grubs protest with no consequences. I am disgusted at what this country has become & it makes me very, very sad that we have allowed it.
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting rkr on 13 Jun 2020 11:28 AM

    We live in a fucked up world. I cancelled my Netflix subscription due to the political correct idiocy going on. I must admit to losing any respect I once had for our police force. People have given up the right to farewell deceased family members at the request of our elected leaders. Businesses have gone to the wall etc., all because we were told it was for the greater good of the country. People of different religious persuasions have had to deal with important observances not going ahead & even Anzac Day was fucking cancelled for the "greater good" of the country. Now our authorities have spat in all our faces by letting these fucking grubs protest with no consequences. I am disgusted at what this country has become & it makes me very, very sad that we have allowed it.

    Well said mate
  • rkr
    4 years ago
    Quote source removed.
    Whilst I did not watch any of the shows that were cancelled, I will not have political leanings dictate what  can or cannot be viewed. I pay for the subscription & as such it is up to me to decide what I will or will not watch. 