American Idiots

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 08 Nov 2020 09:25 AMedited: 08 Nov 2020 09:32 AM

    What will also be interesting to see is if North Korea and the middle east start acting up again once the new leadership team is in place. Trump seems to have made some progress there, like everything time will tell.

    Turnbull and Rudd are on Insiders at the moment, what a pair of tools. I wish ousted PM's in this country would just fuck off out of it (like Turnbull promised he would) and the morons in the media wouldn't keep going to them for opinions. They had their chance, got chucked out and now they're armchair experts.

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 08 Nov 2020 09:40 AM

    I think Joe won’t last long 77 & poor health then Harris takes over , could be a worry!

    Quoting Wideglider on 08 Nov 2020 10:07 AM

    Sure, Joe has had some gaffs - we all do.

    His age gives him all the experience, I think he will surprise many in a very positive way. The guy is genuine, Trump is like a deceitful 10 year old boy that doesn't like losing.

    -Trump is a Bussiness man , Biden was Bamma’s vic president. 
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 08 Nov 2020 06:12 AM

    Joe and Jill went up the hill...... couldn't resist, I hope Joe keeps the pressure on China and maybe has some sort of plan on how to handle them while he is at it, if he blows it then 4 years from now some other bugga will get a go, if we are still here that is.

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 08 Nov 2020 09:25 AMedited: 08 Nov 2020 09:32 AM

    What will also be interesting to see is if North Korea and the middle east start acting up again once the new leadership team is in place. Trump seems to have made some progress there, like everything time will tell.

    Turnbull and Rudd are on Insiders at the moment, what a pair of tools. I wish ousted PM's in this country would just fuck off out of it (like Turnbull promised he would) and the morons in the media wouldn't keep going to them for opinions. They had their chance, got chucked out and now they're armchair experts.

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 08 Nov 2020 09:40 AM

    I think Joe won’t last long 77 & poor health then Harris takes over , could be a worry!

    Why would that be a worry? Could be a breath of fresh air.
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 08 Nov 2020 09:40 AM

    I think Joe won’t last long 77 & poor health then Harris takes over , could be a worry!

    Quoting Wideglider on 08 Nov 2020 10:07 AM

    Sure, Joe has had some gaffs - we all do.

    His age gives him all the experience, I think he will surprise many in a very positive way. The guy is genuine, Trump is like a deceitful 10 year old boy that doesn't like losing.

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 08 Nov 2020 06:03 PM

    -Trump is a Bussiness man , Biden was Bamma’s vic president. 

    A businessman? Six-times bankrupt after being gifted millions by his KKK-leader father? That's not a businessman, that's a failure.
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    A billionaire that has been bankrupt 6 time is most definitely a business man

    sound like he has lost other peoples money, not his own
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 09 Nov 2020 02:53 AM

    A billionaire that has been bankrupt 6 time is most definitely a business man

    sound like he has lost other peoples money, not his own

    Ha Ha well said and sadly very true
  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 09 Nov 2020 02:53 AM

    A billionaire that has been bankrupt 6 time is most definitely a business man

    sound like he has lost other peoples money, not his own

    Dont know if it was six times soapy but I think it was at least a couple of times.
    Donald  Trump is acting like a spoiled brat because that is what he is. A spoiled brat.
    Like most people I pay my fair share of taxes.  He has paid his scumbag lawyers big bucks to ensure the American people dont get to see how much tax he has avoided.   
    The only thing I liked about the prick was the way he stood up to China. 
    But that hasnt helped us Aussies one little bit, quite the opposite actually.
    I reckon Biden might be a better human being and a better president

  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 09 Nov 2020 02:53 AM

    A billionaire that has been bankrupt 6 time is most definitely a business man

    sound like he has lost other peoples money, not his own

    Quoting beaglebasher on 09 Nov 2020 09:46 AMedited: 09 Nov 2020 09:47 AM

    Dont know if it was six times soapy but I think it was at least a couple of times.

    Donald  Trump is acting like a spoiled brat because that is what he is. A spoiled brat.
    Like most people I pay my fair share of taxes.  He has paid his scumbag lawyers big bucks to ensure the American people dont get to see how much tax he has avoided.   
    The only thing I liked about the prick was the way he stood up to China. 
    But that hasnt helped us Aussies one little bit, quite the opposite actually.
    I reckon Biden might be a better human being and a better president

    biden wont be running the country i can guarantee you that .. im not sure about his taxes but i know trump doesnt get paid for doing the job .. i also think he is a twat .. but i think biden is a bigger one and is corrupt AF .. the thing is the american people voted these two idiots in so they get what they desrerve .. but i worry more about the impact on australia and the rest of the world of this new pleb with all this power.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    This is actually quite sad but hilarious at the same time with the captions, buzzers etc. Over seventy million (allegedly) Americans voted for this guy, many simply because they don't like Trump.

    It won't be very long before the VP gets the main gig if nothing amounts of the legal challenges and they're genuinely elected.
  • Smokey61
    4 years ago
    The Australian system doesn't allow outsiders to run for the top job. Gotta be a party hack and career politician.

    Palmer and Hanson are way out of Trump's league. The closest Australia had to Trump was Kerry Packer.
  • Smokey61
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 09 Nov 2020 12:38 PM

    This is actually quite sad but hilarious at the same time with the captions, buzzers etc. Over seventy million (allegedly) Americans voted for this guy, many simply because they don't like Trump.

    It won't be very long before the VP gets the main gig if nothing amounts of the legal challenges and they're genuinely elected.


    No-one voted for Biden. They all voted against Trump.

    Voting for Biden because you hate Trump is like eating a turd because you hate broccoli.
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    Looks like some Aussies saw it like I did too: 
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    As a final word on this subject, just click on this link:

  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Couldnt be bothered reading all that inka.   I am worried he might do something really stupid before the 20th of January.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 11 Nov 2020 07:35 AM

    Couldnt be bothered reading all that inka.   I am worried he might do something really stupid before the 20th of January.

    "Couldnt be bothered reading all that inka."
    I reckon BB!, be quicker to read the entire encyclopedia britannica.
    Anyone's guess what he is gunner do next though. Sure is a sore loser by the looks of things.
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    Its not easy these days, the 24 hour news cycle and so many suspect "news" sources, differentiating fact from fake news is sometimes a struggle. There is little doubt that there are self-serving, disingenuous slimebags in every political party, but IMHO Trump rewrote that description. What is probably more relevant and concerning, now that it is clear that Biden as leader of the progressive left will assume the role of President on January 20, is that so many Americans have been gaslit and hoodwinked into believing that the white supremacist, bigoted liar who bullshitted his way through the last four years, his lifetime business model, has been hard done by. One can only hope that justice will prevail, and he and his entire grifting parasitic family do hard time for their legion crimes.
    I have the same opinion on the domestic political front, and remain astounded that so many of my fellow Aussies were sucked in by the scurrilous lies of Palmer, Cormann, Frydenburg and Tim Wilson, to tip the balance in favour of the LNP Crime Family at the last Federal election, one of the greatest political travesties of all time. How many of those who voted for these wankers swallowed the myth of "trickle-down economics", I wonder, and how is it working out for them? COVID-19 has of course been manna form heaven for Morrison and his incompetent henchmen, they have been able to blame their pathetic economic trainwreck - which had left the station long before the virus landed - on the pandemic, pure bullshit.

    Speaking of the dirtbag-in-chief, Scott Morrison, as an ardent Trumpist, will be feeling lost without his mentor, and will no doubt seek to strengthen ties with Boris Johnson, the unkempt pommy git being cut from the same cloth as the Tangerine Shitgibbon and just as unfamiliar with the concept of truth & decency.

    Yeah I know I said "last word" a while back but its an interesting if somewhat divisive subject!

  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 09 Nov 2020 12:38 PM

    This is actually quite sad but hilarious at the same time with the captions, buzzers etc. Over seventy million (allegedly) Americans voted for this guy, many simply because they don't like Trump.

    It won't be very long before the VP gets the main gig if nothing amounts of the legal challenges and they're genuinely elected.

    Quoting Smokey61 on 10 Nov 2020 01:58 AM

    No-one voted for Biden. They all voted against Trump.

    Voting for Biden because you hate Trump is like eating a turd because you hate broccoli.

    Ha ha, classic Smokey.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Gee you blokes must have just about been in tears when Richard Di Natale resigned from the Greens leadership.
  • inkaporka
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 12 Nov 2020 11:11 AM

    Gee you blokes must have just about been in tears when Richard Di Natale resigned from the Greens leadership.

    Di Natale was no loss IMHO, and for the record I am not a supporter of the Greens.

    Please do not take this as a personal attack because it most certainly is not -  but people need to educate themselves about what's going on in Aus politics. Its far too easy to say "Ah, but they are all crooks, doesn't matter who you vote for", but this will never bring about change, and this attitude is quite frankly precisely what the self-serving low-lifes that infest the current government rely on to keep their grip on power and their greedy snouts in the trough.
    There was a comment earlier in this thread stating that Morrison was "a decent man". Nothing could be further from the truth IMHO. His deplorable behaviour during the bushfire horror of 2019-20, his cruel & inhuman treatment of the Biloela family detained on Xmas Island for the past two years, his blatant complicity in obstruction of justice as the prime enabler of the infamous Sports Rorts episode, is just the tip of an extremely filthy iceberg. But don't take my word for it.
    The shitfuckery began long before the last federal election, when the 400kg criminal lardarse from Queensland, Clive Palmer, orchestrated a campaign of slanderous lies using taxpayers money, to discredit Bill Shorten and the ALP. He was aided and abetted in this heinous affront to Australian democracy by two of the most disingenuous lying pieces of shit ever to suck on the public teat, Mathias Cormann and Tim Wilson, two hypocritical, odious maggots who have done nothing to benefit anyone but themselves their whole political careers: If you have a moment, check out this link (below) to an article in the SMH detailing how Morrison rolls. Morrison knifed his colleague in the back to climb over him for preselection, a blatant rat-fuck to kick start his career. Tell me that was the act of a decent man? Towke may have been better or worse, we will never know:

  • Smokey61
    4 years ago
    The legacy media are the ones who fan the flames of division and feed on the chaos. 

    You have to go beyond headlines and 30 second talking heads on TV. From FOX to our dear old Aunty ABC, they're all dinosaurs clinging to sensationalism to generate clicks for an ever-dwindling advertising base. It's a race to the bottom for them.

    Social media, though heavily partisan, is still a very good source, there are many alternatives, but you must chase official documents, videos, posts, etc. to their original sources, look for full, not edited videos with all context intact, challenge and test your own assumptions. 

    The truth is out there, but it's being smothered, cancelled, obfuscated, buried and ignored by Big Tech running cover for a worthless legacy media cabal.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    4 years ago
    I dunno Smokey, what's to say something has not been doctored? Fuck me I've seen people running with dinosaurs that looked more real than some politicians giving a speech