mate there's not much a "Dyno tune" can do for you with an older EVO. There are books around that can help you to help yourself "tune" it
That's my take on the subject anyways.
All anyone could do with a bike that age is twiddle the carby
cant u go back to thundertek
Hey wello, yes I spoke to thundertech and they are happy to do it and have done plenty of evos in the past.
OK, not time for a "big dick swinging" match, but on numerous occasions I have had Harleys running way better after $HUNDREDS worth of "Dyno time".
And yes, that was from " bit like pushing buttons on a laptop lol".
I have watched "Dynos" being done , and thought silently to myself "By fuck that is NEVER being done to my bike!"...
One of the other older riders in our group had several hundred $ plus a "stage 3" done to his 103 Dyna , and my "stock" 110 Softail SPANKED it.
He was verging on distraught , sought and GOT a full refund from the "un-named" Perth WA Dyno specialist.
I got his bike running way better "pushing buttons on a laptop" in 15 minutes and that included taking the side cover of LOL..
Fixed his fuel consumption at the same time , it was woeful. he had dropped over 50K's to a tank , that's a LONG push !