The biggest issue I've always had with bars is getting the right height, width and pullback. There are a couple of great Aussie companies that do bars. Burleigh bars and Barcraft are 2 I know of. I recently bough a set of 1 1/4" x 10" mini apes from Barcraft are very happy with both the quality and feel. They are cheaper than Burleigh bars as well. If money isn't an issue I would probably go with the 2" diameter Highballs from Burleigh. Very nice looking bars in both black or polished. You would be up for around $1700 for bars, risers and cables at a guess. I got my bars for $350 posted and being 10" I didn't have to extend the wiring but did need longer brake and throttle cables.
Barcraft has a pretty good website although I’d also rather not order online and sight unseen. I’d prefer to mock bars against my bike if possible to check height, pullback and wrist angle etc. I’ll be in the market for handlebars when life goes back to normal. I visit Melbourne and whilst barcraft doesn’t have a location listed on its website it appears to be located in se Melbourne.
$1700 for a set of handlebars.... Fark the world has gone mad!