Online: SteveWall, tussuck, baldy1450

Solar panels

  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Muzza Wa on 08 Apr 2020 03:10 AM

    7.135 cents per kWh, we produce (feed-in) on average about 1200 kWh per billing cycle which is on average 61 days. Even when we have a bad weather patch lasting a few days, we manage to produce more than we consume. I’m happy that my investments have been good ones.

    Quoting wello on 08 Apr 2020 05:07 AM

    what solar company did you go with ?

    Quoting paulybronco on 08 Apr 2020 05:25 AM

    Me or Muz?

    i was asking MUZZ .. who did your solar installation
  • wello
    4 years ago
    any thought on this mob !
  • Muzza Wa
    Muzza Wa
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 08 Apr 2020 12:14 PM

    any thought on this mob !

    wello , I used this website,, and I invited 4 companies based on my assessment of their products and customer reviews. Being a seasoned sales person myself, I put a small detailed scope of work together and invited them to come and do a site visit and to discuss the project. Two companies did a satellite survey and asked me to email them the scope and priced the project without setting foot outside their offices, their prices were on average 30% above the two that did do the site visit.(I am guessing that their contingencies put them out of the ballpark!)  Greenwiring was the most punctual, most complete and most transparent and knowledgeable of the lot and I have to say did exactly what they said they would do in the time and budget that they committed to. I was very happy. That’s why I engaged them on the solar hot water 3 years later and they repeated their previous operational plan perfectly. I can’t comment on other companies because I never dealt with anybody else but them, sorry.
  • wello
    4 years ago
    perth solar force .. got a qoute for 4 grand ... x Goodwe 5kW 3Ph Inverter (5+5yr) & 24x Promo Suntech 275w Poly Panels (15yr) . 6.6 kw
    any thoughts ?

    or for $400 more i can get  20x 330w mono crystalline panels = 6.6 kw
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 16 Apr 2020 11:10 AMedited: 16 Apr 2020 12:46 PM

    perth solar force .. got a qoute for 4 grand ... x Goodwe 5kW 3Ph Inverter (5+5yr) & 24x Promo Suntech 275w Poly Panels (15yr) . 6.6 kw

    any thoughts ?

    or for $400 more i can get  20x 330w mono crystalline panels = 6.6 kw

    By the time you investigate every option in the country the scheme will be over! Meanwhile mine is producing average 55-65kw per day.
  • JFE
    4 years ago
    Isn’t the golden rule, discount all the Chinese-made crap (the cheapest stuff), see what’s left and go with the mid-range of that lot?
    And PB, we all know yours were subsidised by XXXX to pay for their neon sign on your roof.
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting JFE on 16 Apr 2020 11:27 PM

    Isn’t the golden rule, discount all the Chinese-made crap (the cheapest stuff), see what’s left and go with the mid-range of that lot?

    And PB, we all know yours were subsidised by XXXX to pay for their neon sign on your roof.

    Ha Ha yes i must concede that part of the project involves the consumption of a world class beer....The El cheapo deals are the ones to run from indeed. Rather get a smaller more expensive better quality system than a larger cheaper shit system
  • Muzza Wa
    Muzza Wa
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 16 Apr 2020 11:10 AMedited: 16 Apr 2020 12:46 PM

    perth solar force .. got a qoute for 4 grand ... x Goodwe 5kW 3Ph Inverter (5+5yr) & 24x Promo Suntech 275w Poly Panels (15yr) . 6.6 kw

    any thoughts ?

    or for $400 more i can get  20x 330w mono crystalline panels = 6.6 kw

    Wello, I checked their rankings on the site I mentioned above. For the period “previous 6 months” they are in number 5, for the period “ last 12 months”, they not on the list, for the period “all time“, they not on the list. The site does explain their ranking algorithm. I noticed greenwiring is in position  4 for the period “all time”, but is not in either list for last 6 or 12 months.
    Rankings are one thing, get them out and talk with them, your intuition based on that discussion and their body language etc. will help you come to a decision. When we are faced with a multitude of choices instead of being excited, we often get confused and concerned that maybe we are going to make the wrong decision.  

    It’s why I invited what I thought were the best 4 at the time and then used the human interaction component to drive the final decision. 

    Be brave, good luck.
  • Muzza Wa
    Muzza Wa
    4 years ago
    By the can have your solar system identified separately on your home insurance and insure it for full value replacement if it comes to harm......rock throwing fuckers in the neighbourhood, or hail, high wind etc....just thought I would mention it.....
  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Muzza Wa on 17 Apr 2020 10:51 AM

    By the can have your solar system identified separately on your home insurance and insure it for full value replacement if it comes to harm......rock throwing fuckers in the neighbourhood, or hail, high wind etc....just thought I would mention it.....

    yeh good thinking .. im just waiting for another couple of quotes to come in at the mo before i decide and commit
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting Muzza Wa on 17 Apr 2020 10:51 AM

    By the can have your solar system identified separately on your home insurance and insure it for full value replacement if it comes to harm......rock throwing fuckers in the neighbourhood, or hail, high wind etc....just thought I would mention it.....

    Quoting wello on 17 Apr 2020 11:18 AM

    yeh good thinking .. im just waiting for another couple of quotes to come in at the mo before i decide and commit

    Wello what are you trying to find ...the cheapest price...the best product...the best installer..
  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Muzza Wa on 17 Apr 2020 10:51 AM

    By the can have your solar system identified separately on your home insurance and insure it for full value replacement if it comes to harm......rock throwing fuckers in the neighbourhood, or hail, high wind etc....just thought I would mention it.....

    Quoting wello on 17 Apr 2020 11:18 AM

    yeh good thinking .. im just waiting for another couple of quotes to come in at the mo before i decide and commit

    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Apr 2020 11:42 AM

    Wello what are you trying to find ...the cheapest price...the best product...the best installer..

  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 17 Apr 2020 11:18 AM

    yeh good thinking .. im just waiting for another couple of quotes to come in at the mo before i decide and commit

    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Apr 2020 11:42 AM

    Wello what are you trying to find ...the cheapest price...the best product...the best installer..

    Quoting wello on 17 Apr 2020 11:49 AM


    Going to be a long topic...good luck mate
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Apr 2020 11:42 AM

    Wello what are you trying to find ...the cheapest price...the best product...the best installer..

    Quoting wello on 17 Apr 2020 11:49 AM


    Quoting paulybronco on 17 Apr 2020 12:02 PM

    Going to be a long topic...good luck mate

    I have 7 quotes ATM on a large system the difference prices range by 6k 
     Wello take your time its a jungle out there 
  • wello
    4 years ago
    all good mate .. im just contemplating weather its better to have 24 panels at 275 w .... or 19 panels at 350 w .. both do 6.6 kw , but im thinking the less panels the less likely to have issues maybe .. both panel have fairly decent reviews , except one is monocrystalline x 19 ..  and the other is poly . x 24
  • wello
    4 years ago
    think ive googled enough .. lots of equipment out there but ive whittled it down to
     west coast solar.
    .panels : Longi Hi-Mo X Mono-PERC Shingle 350W
    .inverter : fronius symo 5kw .... or the Huawei 5kn hybrid.   ..
    all installed for arounf $4300. or less depending on cost of the Huawei.
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 20 Apr 2020 01:15 AM

    think ive googled enough .. lots of equipment out there but ive whittled it down to

     west coast solar.
    .panels : Longi Hi-Mo X Mono-PERC Shingle 350W
    .inverter : fronius symo 5kw .... or the Huawei 5kn hybrid.   ..
    all installed for arounf $4300. or less depending on cost of the Huawei.

    Great stuff Wello these components are also in some of my quotes.
    this helps heaps 
  • wello
    4 years ago
    guys that have installed solar system , i wonder if u could post some pic of how u have the inverter installed .. im looking at having mine in the garage but is it just the inverter .. or is the more electrical units that go with it to bolt to wall ? .. pic would be a great help .. ive gone for the fronius unit .. cheers : )
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 28 Apr 2020 01:29 AM

    guys that have installed solar system , i wonder if u could post some pic of how u have the inverter installed .. im looking at having mine in the garage but is it just the inverter .. or is the more electrical units that go with it to bolt to wall ? .. pic would be a great help .. ive gone for the fronius unit .. cheers : )

    Both inverters inside the garage , there are no other components other than solar panels.
  • wello
    4 years ago
    ok so solar installed .. the readout on my inverter panel is saying around 5040 odd and a good sunny day .. is that the equivelent to around 5kw ?
    if so then im not getting the 6.6 that im meant to be getting .. or is that reading something different.. anybody ? 
