Solar panels

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    2 years ago
    Quoting Humbug on 10 Mar 2023 07:18 AM

    Knew this would happen eventually, when I move the new place it will not have any solar. The new owners of my old place can have the nightmare cost of disposing of them.

    Also what are we going to do with the electric car batteries that fail? let alone the ones are fucked in car accidents like when your silent car traveling at 130kph (NT) hits a buffalow,cow,horse or donkey who never heard the fucking thing coming so could not get out of the way, another poor innocent creature killed by the greenies.

    They should all whine like the Batmobile haha
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 05 Mar 2023 01:35 AM

    So now Qld are set to ban the solar panels and batteries from tips in the next 5yrs...they have seen a huge increase in damage/outdated equipment being thrown out. This comes on the back of the push for us to all go green and install panels etc in readiness for going totally green. Next month NSW close the Liddell power station, that produces 10% of NSW power and then followed by the Eraring plant 2yrs later that produces 25% of NSW in 2yrs one third (35%) of electricity capacity in NSW gone....going to have to rely on candles, but then the smoke is a pollutant!

    Australia have gone nuts

    Well a bit of a reality shock has hit NSW with the realization they dont have the capacity to power the state when it closes.....the government has delayed the closure for a future date. Keep your eyes open for a frothing outraged Green or Teal coming to your TV screen soon over this......or a lunatic glued to a street.  
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    I'm really happy with my installation last September, only getting 4 cents a kWhr for surplus power, 6kW system, we live in a timber and tin leaky tent, half the walls are single skin weatherboard that's 100+ years old, no insulation, the place frosts a lot in winter, using a reverse cycle air con for heating. Latest power bill for the quarter? $33.70, down from about $350.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting obisteve on 14 Jul 2023 09:57 AM

    I'm really happy with my installation last September, only getting 4 cents a kWhr for surplus power, 6kW system, we live in a timber and tin leaky tent, half the walls are single skin weatherboard that's 100+ years old, no insulation, the place frosts a lot in winter, using a reverse cycle air con for heating. Latest power bill for the quarter? $33.70, down from about $350.

    Well i am totally at the other end of praise after multiple tariff reductions over the time we put it on. On the 13 th we had generated 425kw from the panels for this month ....AGL paid us $11.31 for that and i still owe them $36.06. That $11.31 credit, cost us around 13k to put two 6.5kw systems up on the roof. Does solar make sense....averaging out daily production shows 32.6kw per day this month, and i average 23kw per day usage and we still end up with a bill. Meter has been checked ....twice....bills been reviewed. My take, solar is a rort!. FYI these panels produce 83kw of power during summer as well. To give you a fairer comparison in 2021 we produced 17633.2kw ....divide that per day shows just over 48kw per day every day for 365 days....and that was a credit. Now we produce the same amount and get a bill. 
  • speedzter
    1 year ago
    You need to spend another $10k for a battery system and go off grid.

    Maybe everyone should boycott back feeding solar energy for a few months and see if the power companies pick up their game.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Fecking bills shit me, our power consumption is horrendous!
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting speedzter on 14 Jul 2023 10:51 PM

    You need to spend another $10k for a battery system and go off grid.

    Maybe everyone should boycott back feeding solar energy for a few months and see if the power companies pick up their game.

    They wont be getting my 10k on top of what i have already spent....the devil is in the detail as well with the battery. AGL actually mention that they would encourage you to share your excess power in that battery all for a pittance of course for what they are on selling it for. At this stage its not compulsory but along with all the other reductions and price increases i can hear the word "Compulsory" being whispered in Canberra. Lastly the batteries have a lifespan of around 10yrs then you have to restart again, but that may not be a issue as all the white folks will have been thrown out if the voice gets a run...LOL
  • speedzter
    1 year ago
    My "battery" comment was tongue in cheek .
    The idiot Green's believe a BIG battery can somehow replace coal/gas generation.
  • tussuck
    1 year ago
    Quoting speedzter on 15 Jul 2023 11:10 PM

    My "battery" comment was tongue in cheek .

    The idiot Green's believe a BIG battery can somehow replace coal/gas generation.

    They tried that approach in "The Matrix" and look where it got them!
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting speedzter on 15 Jul 2023 11:10 PM

    My "battery" comment was tongue in cheek .

    The idiot Green's believe a BIG battery can somehow replace coal/gas generation.

    Quoting tussuck on 16 Jul 2023 12:19 AM

    They tried that approach in "The Matrix" and look where it got them!

    That's a great idea, we could use all the bludgers, put them to work for once 
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 05 Mar 2023 01:35 AM

    So now Qld are set to ban the solar panels and batteries from tips in the next 5yrs...they have seen a huge increase in damage/outdated equipment being thrown out. This comes on the back of the push for us to all go green and install panels etc in readiness for going totally green. Next month NSW close the Liddell power station, that produces 10% of NSW power and then followed by the Eraring plant 2yrs later that produces 25% of NSW in 2yrs one third (35%) of electricity capacity in NSW gone....going to have to rely on candles, but then the smoke is a pollutant!

    Australia have gone nuts

    Quoting paulybronco on 13 Jul 2023 10:17 PM

    Well a bit of a reality shock has hit NSW with the realization they dont have the capacity to power the state when it closes.....the government has delayed the closure for a future date. Keep your eyes open for a frothing outraged Green or Teal coming to your TV screen soon over this......or a lunatic glued to a street.  

    The NSW gummint doesn't have a lot of leverage on this, they don't own any of coal fired power stations in the state. 2 are owned by a public company listed on the Oz stock exchange, 1 is owned by China Power and Light and 1 is owned jointly by a Czech family owned investment group and a US private equity firm.
    Successive gummints there have thought it a good idea to sell off profitable essential services assets.
    It's the power stations private owners that are planning to close them for all the usual reasons, mostly that they think they are not making enough money to justify the maintenance spend to extend their life.
    At least the Qld gummint kept ownership of 4 of them here, unfortunately one of them has blown up.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    And the Lost irony is I am sitting in a third world country with All the lights and air conditioning going all night and nota soul gives a fuck about a bill... because they are so low! Have yet to see a single solar panel yet, did see a solar Hot water system though.We are mugs for putting up with the bullshit.
  • evo94
    1 year ago
    highlights why soo many Aussies retire to Asia...
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Yeah, the national electricity provider there, the PLN, is a state owned company whose aim is to supply electricity to the population, not a group of businesses whose aim is to make as much money as possible by selling electricity to people. In Oz, the sale of the generation and transmission assets, the generators and the poles and wires, in most of the states came with a guaranteed rate of return to the new owners.
    Remember how when they were sold it was claimed it would result in lower electricity prices?
    How's that working out?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    It's fucking not working out the lying fucks!
  • evo94
    1 year ago
    talking of "a group of businesses whose aim is to make as much money as possible" got our home insurance bill in the mail with a whopping 25.5% increase over last years bill.... thieving c$%#s !!
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Ring "Sure", pretty sure they are a broker but they seem to be able to help a lot of people get a better deal.
  • evo94
    1 year ago
    tnx il have a squiz...
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Quoting obisteve on 14 Jul 2023 09:57 AM

    I'm really happy with my installation last September, only getting 4 cents a kWhr for surplus power, 6kW system, we live in a timber and tin leaky tent, half the walls are single skin weatherboard that's 100+ years old, no insulation, the place frosts a lot in winter, using a reverse cycle air con for heating. Latest power bill for the quarter? $33.70, down from about $350.

    Quoting paulybronco on 14 Jul 2023 12:27 PM

    Well i am totally at the other end of praise after multiple tariff reductions over the time we put it on. On the 13 th we had generated 425kw from the panels for this month ....AGL paid us $11.31 for that and i still owe them $36.06. That $11.31 credit, cost us around 13k to put two 6.5kw systems up on the roof. Does solar make sense....averaging out daily production shows 32.6kw per day this month, and i average 23kw per day usage and we still end up with a bill. Meter has been checked ....twice....bills been reviewed. My take, solar is a rort!. FYI these panels produce 83kw of power during summer as well. To give you a fairer comparison in 2021 we produced 17633.2kw ....divide that per day shows just over 48kw per day every day for 365 days....and that was a credit. Now we produce the same amount and get a bill. 

    Unfortunately it's more complicated than that PB.
    You're probably being paid 5 cents per kWhr by AGL which let's face it is 3/5 of bugger all. It's a big drop from the 44 cents that things started with, but to be fair, that was a government subsidised price designed to encourage people to fit panels, never supposed to last forever, but perhaps not to be slashed overnight as the Newman govt did in 2012. The subsidy did its job though, lots of people bought panels, and the daytime wholesale price of power on the spot market dropped dramatically.
    When feed in tariffs drop to 3/5 of bugger all, you're better off using the power yourself rather than selling it. You're off to a good start running your pool filter and chlorinator 7am to 7pm. Is it a Saltwater pool with an electrolyser? They can consume up to1.5 kW per hour, but on a sunny day it will run from the panels production from about 9am to 3pm.
    You maximise your savings by moving as much consumption to that timeslot as well, particularly anything that electrically heats water or air. That's not possible for all households of course, particularly if all the family is working in the daytime but still the last person out the door can start the dish washer, washing machine or clothes dryer.
    Ideally, you maximise savings if the only things running at night are lights, an aircon if needed to heat or cool, fridges, and whatever entertainment electronics are on. Your winter heating needs there won't be too high  and your house will have some insulation.
    I can offer you a free energy audit if you like. When I did my advanced technician renewable energy training at the turn of the century for offgrid solar, the stuff was so expensive that you custom designed every system to meet the clients needs + 20% for demand growth, so detailed study of consumption patterns was necessary. Can your retailers app give you a consumption record through the day? Unfortunately mine can't, but I believe some can. If they can  see what you can transfer to daytime use.
    Anyway, this is starting to drag on, but happy to see if I can help you save money. We use about 17 kWhr per day, have 6.6 kW of panels, last quarter bill $33.70
    Oh, and your system salespeople lie to you when trying to sell you a system, they say 6.6 kW, but typically that will be limited by only having a 5 kW inverter.
  • evo94
    1 year ago
    "Unfortunately it's more complicated than that PB"....thats just it Obi - ya need to be a rocket scientist all this shit out....& believe me, im not a rocket scientists a#%#hole.....