Online: crowster69

bike skate dolly

  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    think I need a bike skate dolly anybody knows of someone that sells them in Perth

  • Wideglider
    6 years ago
    Nice stable of iron horses there bluey. Got great numberplates too - bloody wide though, we're not allowed that many letters/numbers in NSW.
    Sorry can't help with bike skate but can see it would make shifting them three around a lot easier!
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    6 years ago
    Quoting blueystar on 28 Jan 2019 06:40 AM

    think I need a bike skate dolly anybody knows of someone that sells them in Perth

    blueystar, a friend of mine uses one of those bike skates, but no idea where she got it or what weight it can skate,  but will find out & let u know. just saw her Kwaka 1000 sport bike was on one, the whole bike sits on this skate. skate is low, & once the bike on it you can push whole bike sideways. so with your three. you could push them closer side by side into a corner, to take up less room while not in use, then slide one sideways , then next one sideways to get the one you want to ride out. I'll find out.
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    Quoting blueystar on 28 Jan 2019 06:40 AM

    think I need a bike skate dolly anybody knows of someone that sells them in Perth

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 28 Jan 2019 09:16 PM

    blueystar, a friend of mine uses one of those bike skates, but no idea where she got it or what weight it can skate,  but will find out & let u know. just saw her Kwaka 1000 sport bike was on one, the whole bike sits on this skate. skate is low, & once the bike on it you can push whole bike sideways. so with your three. you could push them closer side by side into a corner, to take up less room while not in use, then slide one sideways , then next one sideways to get the one you want to ride out. I'll find out.

  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    6 years ago
    Asked my friend she said she got her's at Super Cheap, she got it a while back said wheel bike on and can move around on flat ground.
    she also said , car single wheel trolly work just put one under each wheel to move side ways, personally I would put two rings into the floor in front of each bike to secure each bike to to hold them upright for storing in close. the single car wheel trolly have four caster wheels each with a lock on each castor, to hold still , or unlock to move. good luck.
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    might be easier if I go back to one bike then have plenty of room to turn around
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    6 years ago
    Quoting blueystar on 30 Jan 2019 02:23 AM

    might be easier if I go back to one bike then have plenty of room to turn around

    what one would you keep?
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    Quoting blueystar on 30 Jan 2019 02:23 AM

    might be easier if I go back to one bike then have plenty of room to turn around

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Jan 2019 03:48 AM

    what one would you keep?

    the one with plate FLSTS97
  • Hog1
    6 years ago
    Just spotted this on bookface.......

  • graz
    6 years ago

    Bloody pearler mate. Have one for the cooks bike that just the back wheel goes on. Makes life bloody easy in the shed.
  • brucefxdl
    6 years ago
    got the same sonny,repco,$150,couple of welds on the lift link looked a bit light so i braced then and made/bolted on 3 spacers to suit the dyna frame and all good.
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    Quoting graz on 30 Jan 2019 10:31 AM

    Bloody pearler mate. Have one for the cooks bike that just the back wheel goes on. Makes life bloody easy in the shed.

    what brand or make which shop has them, please
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    have a matiance jack not much good if want the bike at the back would have to jack the 2 in front out want scate dolly 3 in total
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    Quoting Hog1 on 30 Jan 2019 09:06 AM

    Just spotted this on bookface.......

    had a look on the site can't find it
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    6 years ago
    Graz's stand & the one Hog1 posted look like a good solution! If it was me with bikes that size & if need to move them a lot. I would fit another out rigger with a caster wheel on each side and also fit a steel ring each side and use straps just to add more stability. you may never need it, but as they say better to have & not need , than to need & not have.
    Thank's to SONNY D for posting the Repco lift, like Bruce FXDL I just ordered one, as need one to lift my old sporty thats only about 220KG, I want to put rings on it to strap bike down for bit extra insurance when working, work not be the best there is but it's an improvement on a bottle jack & side stand.
  • perthhog
    6 years ago
    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Jan 2019 10:30 PMedited: 31 Jan 2019 08:51 PM

    Graz's stand & the one Hog1 posted look like a good solution! If it was me with bikes that size & if need to move them a lot. I would fit another out rigger with a caster wheel on each side and also fit a steel ring each side and use straps just to add more stability. you may never need it, but as they say better to have & not need , than to need & not have.

    Thank's to SONNY D for posting the Repco lift, like Bruce FXDL I just ordered one, as need one to lift my old sporty thats only about 220KG, I want to put rings on it to strap bike down for bit extra insurance when working, work not be the best there is but it's an improvement on a bottle jack & side stand.

    Thay come with ring already welded on if you wish to use them  the older repco lift is much better than the newer 
    Black orange one  wider and longer heavy duty  for larger bikes  , the smaller should be fine for a sporty though 
  • graz
    6 years ago
    Quoting graz on 30 Jan 2019 10:31 AM

    Bloody pearler mate. Have one for the cooks bike that just the back wheel goes on. Makes life bloody easy in the shed.

    Bluey. Cannon Tools at Smithfield here in SA. They sell a lot of cheap imported stuff like this. My son bought it for me so not sure of the cost. Was a bit worried about the castors but two years on all is well. Cant  find any info  on the net but there are similar ones on ebay. Search motorcycle dolly. Plenty pop up and look the same. Just check the weight capacity.
  • OILLEAK2008
    6 years ago
    $199 freepost............................................................
  • blueystar
    6 years ago
    Quoting OILLEAK2008 on 31 Jan 2019 12:45 PM

    $199 freepost............................................................

    had a look only good for 250kg and not long enough good for sport bikes
    there is some there for 500kg plus and 2400mm long which is what i need i think
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    6 years ago
    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 30 Jan 2019 10:30 PMedited: 31 Jan 2019 08:51 PM

    Graz's stand & the one Hog1 posted look like a good solution! If it was me with bikes that size & if need to move them a lot. I would fit another out rigger with a caster wheel on each side and also fit a steel ring each side and use straps just to add more stability. you may never need it, but as they say better to have & not need , than to need & not have.

    Thank's to SONNY D for posting the Repco lift, like Bruce FXDL I just ordered one, as need one to lift my old sporty thats only about 220KG, I want to put rings on it to strap bike down for bit extra insurance when working, work not be the best there is but it's an improvement on a bottle jack & side stand.

    Quoting perthhog on 31 Jan 2019 06:19 AM

    Thay come with ring already welded on if you wish to use them  the older repco lift is much better than the newer 

    Black orange one  wider and longer heavy duty  for larger bikes  , the smaller should be fine for a sporty though 

    thanks perthhog, I ordered the large one like in picture as like a bit extra strength & stability. so I can strap down & work without worrying about it tipping over.