Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • steelo
    3 years ago
    I like her.  A please or thank you wouldn't go astray Danny
  • tussuck
    3 years ago
    So what's this now?  Million dollar bogan meets $2 slapper!  farkin hell, thank god I can just ignore him!
  • steelo
    3 years ago
  • tussuck
    3 years ago
    I was a fan of his, but I must have binged too much and did a 180 flip.  I would rather watch reruns of Trumps speech's
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting tussuck on 16 Nov 2021 05:59 AM

    I was a fan of his, but I must have binged too much and did a 180 flip.  I would rather watch reruns of Trumps speech's


    If you really want a laugh.....have a bit of a look at Biden at the moment, my god its allarming to think this man is the leader of the free world. I thought old trumpy was aint seen nothing yet!
  • fatbat
    3 years ago
    It’s well reported that Biden can’t hold in a loud fart in front of royals, or stay awake at key forums. But I also heard he shat his pants and not from being pissed, but just old. Poor old bloke is too old for that job 
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting fatbat on 16 Nov 2021 07:08 AMedited: 16 Nov 2021 07:08 AM

    It’s well reported that Biden can’t hold in a loud fart in front of royals, or stay awake at key forums. But I also heard he shat his pants and not from being pissed, but just old. Poor old bloke is too old for that job 

    Ha Ha so does Steelo...luckily he isn't the leader of the free world....just the free Hd forum world! maybe hes to old for the job as well...
  • steelo
    3 years ago
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 16 Nov 2021 09:32 AM

    Had to enlarge the photo.....seems like your bending over in that it the Blue Oyster bar?
  • bloodog
    3 years ago
    he's $ back on track 

  • Baloffski
    3 years ago
    Yeah, I get a laugh outta the wanker too.
  • steelo
    3 years ago
  • bloodog
    3 years ago
    ripper MDB is coming to visit 
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    A fairly unedifying encounter (for both sides) with one of NSW finest.
    The MDB's good sense of humour "could" have worked wonders over the "blatant revenue raising" accusations.
    Danny, I'm sorry but the "attitude test" was failed. Hence the second ticket.
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 11 Jan 2022 09:05 AMedited: 11 Jan 2022 09:28 AM

    A fairly unedifying encounter (for both sides) with one of NSW finest.
    The MDB's good sense of humour "could" have worked wonders over the "blatant revenue raising" accusations.
    Danny, I'm sorry but the "attitude test" was failed. Hence the second ticket.

    So your suggesting that one has to sink onto ones knees when a member of our finest stops you. A simple ticket for said infringement should perceived attitude extra sauce from plod for exercising his right to film. Piss poor of cop to call a supervisor and order move on orders for 2 passive witnesses. 
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Thanks for the kind words PB..
    I don't think that second guy was even a police officer. (no badges / insignia)
    No sinking to any knees, I always recommend you SAY NOTHING when getting pulled over but trying to engage the officer in humor or talk about his recent experience with the truck driver "may" have changed the direction of the interaction or at least avoided the second ticket for the licence issue.
    Like I said, no one acquitted themselves very well. You can always write in and complain / try and get the fine withdrawn due to triviality. The old "everyone else was / is doing it" defence indicates a certain state of mind and usually doesn't work.
    "Safety is everyone's responsibility" I don't think it was unreasonable to have the other 2 fellas move to a safer area.
    I wonder how those on ramp lanes merged into the main road. Danny has already demonstrated his willingness to split lanes to cut in front of other road users to get to the petrol pumps first (last video) Perhaps he just didn't want to wait for traffic to move like other users had to..
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 11 Jan 2022 10:09 AMedited: 11 Jan 2022 10:20 AM

    Thanks for the kind words PB..
    I don't think that second guy was even a police officer. (no badges / insignia)
    No sinking to any knees, I always recommend you SAY NOTHING when getting pulled over but trying to engage the officer in humor or talk about his recent experience with the truck driver "may" have changed the direction of the interaction or at least avoided the second ticket for the licence issue.
    Like I said, no one acquitted themselves very well. You can always write in and complain / try and get the fine withdrawn due to triviality. The old "everyone else was / is doing it" defence indicates a certain state of mind and usually doesn't work.
    "Safety is everyone's responsibility" I don't think it was unreasonable to have the other 2 fellas move to a safer area.
    I wonder how those on ramp lanes merged into the main road. Danny has already demonstrated his willingness to split lanes to cut in front of other road users to get to the petrol pumps first (last video) Perhaps he just didn't want to wait for traffic to move like other users had to..

    No mention of the police bike facing the incorrect way on the one way freeway.....the second guy certainly exceeds his authority by enforcing a move on direction by a authorised person. If he is not a sworn officer he has exactly the same powers to move you on as the toddler in the child seat of a passing car...NON!

  • steelo
    3 years ago
    Is that all ya got!! 
    You sound like me when I'm losing an argument with my missus, I always counter with the killer line "you're fat"
    It's lonely in bed but at least I won..
  • paulybronco
    3 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 11 Jan 2022 11:01 AM

    Is that all ya got!! 
    You sound like me when I'm losing an argument with my missus, I always counter with the killer line "you're fat"
    It's lonely in bed but at least I won..

    Hey shes not the one eating sticky buns! Anyway i am the one with anoxemia....when i look in the mirror i see a fat fucker! 