HD Forums Australia
Old Fatty, Hilly
Million dollar bogun is back at it.
Million dollar bogun is back at it.
4 years ago
life is good .....................................
4 years ago
Mandatory!! In fact I reckon it'd be a game changer for the brand. I mean they have it on the trikes! How hard to put it on all new tourers.
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Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
Quote source removed.
Won’t happen, I’d say but know we’re your coming from. Just onTrikes ok as no one going to over balance going backward under power.
In most cases if you use common Spence you don’t really need reverse with a two wheeler.
I would think if they do add it would also need drop down wheels to hold bike up while reverse drive in use. I think HondaGoldwings have it but never ridden one just think I was told they have that with revrse
Makes me laugh , as over recent years HD have returned to old engineering & other things ( to hard to explain)but they used reverse gear before, but the new trikes use an electric driven reverse I know, it will need good batteries getting the powering all this electric gear!! Not sure but with trike they might use a larger battery?
4 years ago
Dropping the bike, then picking it up, repeat
Is geting a bit stale
Fuck Tasmania is a beautiful place though
Nice job on that Dan
Baloffski likes this post
4 years ago
Loved riding Tasmania, but did so, with mates , and as individual, didnot wish any one heart issues nor just have to waightfor mate to come down some track down the back- looking for my bleached bones...
4 years ago
can I double like that write?
4 years ago
Quoting bloodog on 05 Feb 2021 10:38 AM
edited: 05 Feb 2021 10:39 AM
Dropping the bike, then picking it up, repeat
Is geting a bit stale
Fuck Tasmania is a beautiful place though
Nice job on that Dan
You got that right there I'd say.
4 years ago
We always hurt the ones we love.
4 years ago
bloodog and Baloffski like this post
4 years ago
Just to show you he's only human
4 years ago
He bores me now,
PhoenixHD likes this post
Far Canal
4 years ago
The CVO needs to be out there on a beach somewhere with the surf rolling over it.
Baloffski, PhoenixHD and Humbug like this post
4 years ago
That's sacrilege FC. I felt sorry for the fella. He wasn't putting the bike "in" harms way. Having the stand fold up is something that could happen to any of us. His expensive fail was a timely reminder.
4 years ago
Could just picture the Covert V O on .... No I shall stop there.. A 60K M.C
Wat a beautiful MC, anyone can have dropsies, but not every one can show and tell on Monday..
Clapping to you bloke..
4 years ago
Nice blonde.
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
anyone having ridden Harleys know how the side stand works. that was on a flat surface.
PhoenixHD and bloodog like this post
4 years ago
Quote source removed.
I don't recon I have ever not put the stand down then rolled the bike back against the stand to check its fully forward
I say anybody not checking, has no respect for there bike
PhoenixHD and Krash Kinkade like this post
4 years ago
Quote source removed.
Such is life mate. Where indeed?
4 years ago
I find it weird to push through the thistles, wade through a stream and climb a hill to launch a drone to get footage of the country side, why not send it up from the parking bay and send it over the hill?
one word he says to much "go"
"1,2,3 go, 1,2,3 go, 1,2,3 go"
or "Perry OK, Go"
4 years ago
If you flick your left foot out you may engage the sidestand or you might not. If engaged it works really well. A lot better than other bikes from other manufacturers. Sure, it is a bastard of a thing to happen to anyone, but not Harley's fault.
Always best to have a look down and check first.
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