Online: Hilly

Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 14 Jan 2021 07:15 AM

    Magnum, I had never heard of Andy Gerding before.
    I suspect you have summed him up rather well.
    Also agree it is no easy feat doing a complete ride around the map in a day, I never have. But I have a daily beer handicap. Heck! 3 days is better if you like swilling piss in pubs and meeting locals while your at it.

    Quoting bloodog on 14 Jan 2021 08:06 AM

    And having a beer with the pig 

    Quoting Far Canal on 14 Jan 2021 09:02 AM

    Hey Bloo, yes you can have a beer with a pig at the pub in the paddock.
    If that is what you mean.

    Yes FC me and the hand brake love Tassie
    The map of Tassie, often on my mind 
  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 14 Jan 2021 08:36 AM

    Just got a price for the missus and I to do Tassie with free bikes (2) $458 return, in recliner on the night run, nope, 

    You and your missus and two bikes for $460 return?
    Doesnt sound too bad to me.   I will give you a tip but soapy ,  watch out for the two headed cunts.
  • JR888
    4 years ago
    Quoting bloodog on 14 Jan 2021 08:06 AM

    And having a beer with the pig 

    Quoting Far Canal on 14 Jan 2021 09:02 AM

    Hey Bloo, yes you can have a beer with a pig at the pub in the paddock.
    If that is what you mean.

    Quoting bloodog on 14 Jan 2021 09:08 AM

    Yes FC me and the hand brake love Tassie

    The map of Tassie, often on my mind 

    Yeah Bloo, I think they are talking about a different lap of the map lol

    Tassie is certainly a place any biker should go, the roads were designed for bikes, especially 99 bends coming up out of Queenstown.
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Loved riding Vic/ Tasmania, the roads were built some time ago by Motorcycle engineers.
    T'was paid to ride around the beautiful Isle, building Comms structures, for the man.. 6 Guys, hand picked, I was one of them for our... baboom motorcycle enthusiasm.
    Me. MotoGuzzi Mk 4/5
    Mario Motoguzzi 850 Mk 1
    Col Ducati old case 750
    Oatsie Ducati 900 SS old blue silver
    Spud 1000 Komandsuckme
    And finally Captain Kaos my dear mate, 
    HD Shovel, but decided the 600 Honda was more viable, plus could use the Troopie, for new fam.,  as we were all motorcyclists, aye..
    Now that was one hell of a trip round Tassie on the Weekends, we will never forget.
    Went to pub paddock the whole shebang, what a trip.Capitained someone's Shark cat outta  Hells gates and back( I was only one worked on cray boat WA) and that was a temperate, rough day, could see the VB outta cans going up from anyway which. All safe what a beautiful Island, Flinders, and others had the pleasure of working on, my god is whatever your god is country.. South is one beautiful place, but the secret is blown, long time ago.
    Fucken beautiful, but fucken cold for us desert dwellers, good for you.
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 14 Jan 2021 10:40 AM

    Loved riding Vic/ Tasmania, the roads were built some time ago by Motorcycle engineers.

    T'was paid to ride around the beautiful Isle, building Comms structures, for the man.. 6 Guys, hand picked, I was one of them for our... baboom motorcycle enthusiasm.
    Me. MotoGuzzi Mk 4/5
    Mario Motoguzzi 850 Mk 1
    Col Ducati old case 750
    Oatsie Ducati 900 SS old blue silver
    Spud 1000 Komandsuckme
    And finally Captain Kaos my dear mate, 
    HD Shovel, but decided the 600 Honda was more viable, plus could use the Troopie, for new fam.,  as we were all motorcyclists, aye..
    Now that was one hell of a trip round Tassie on the Weekends, we will never forget.
    Went to pub paddock the whole shebang, what a trip.Capitained someone's Shark cat outta  Hells gates and back( I was only one worked on cray boat WA) and that was a temperate, rough day, could see the VB outta cans going up from anyway which. All safe what a beautiful Island, Flinders, and others had the pleasure of working on, my god is whatever your god is country.. South is one beautiful place, but the secret is blown, long time ago.
    Fucken beautiful, but fucken cold for us desert dwellers, good for you.

    Good read ski, loved the bit about VB cans 
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    True, nothing is easy! and a lot of out of the way places to go to!! I've been fortunate to cover a lot of Tassie & some wilderness on foot. I was just saying in general it's a lot smaller than the Mainland & temperatures & weather conditions a lot different. it's easier now than first time I did a lap.
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    Got the ferry, over on the 17th may, back on the 24th.
    Wendy and I, each on our bikes, most likely do Pt Arthur-Hobart area, Cadbury factory tour if they do it then wing it
    Accomodation will probably wing that as well, then we can be a little free with “getting there”

    Will have a look between now with and then 
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    I would love to see an episode of the two of them taking the Ghost tour at Port Arthur 
    Then camp the night in the grounds.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 15 Jan 2021 10:55 AM

    Got the ferry, over on the 17th may, back on the 24th.

    Wendy and I, each on our bikes, most likely do Pt Arthur-Hobart area, Cadbury factory tour if they do it then wing it
    Accomodation will probably wing that as well, then we can be a little free with “getting there”

    Will have a look between now with and then 

    Good for you mate.
    Make sure you pack your woolly underbritches, thermal gloves and hyperthermic tonics/remedies etc for mid May.
    You will be able to wing it no problems re accommodation.
    Me and 3 mates wung it last weekend for 2 nights, people are not confident enough yet to holiday on mass so the usual tourist bonanza is leaner than usual.

  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Me and the hand brake went on a ghost tour at the old penal colony at night, the misses dared me to hang back in one of the cells were men had hung themselves. I tried but the tour gets you so hyped up, I was shiting my self couldn't do it.
    Spooky place and great history 
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Yup, Tasmania is a beautiful is one beautiful state.
     Of course is going to be cooler , but prepare, and enjoy one of the many parts of Australia, if you haven't been there, missing out, seriously. Motorcycles are so welcome there, people, if ya human beings are also very welcome.
    Just watchout for the fucken wine drinking wallaby's at Freycinet, but one hell of a place, I shoulda stayed at.......
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jan 2021 07:18 AM

    Yup, Tasmania is a beautiful is one beautiful state.

     Of course is going to be cooler , but prepare, and enjoy one of the many parts of Australia, if you haven't been there, missing out, seriously. Motorcycles are so welcome there, people, if ya human beings are also very welcome.
    Just watchout for the fucken wine drinking wallaby's at Freycinet, but one hell of a place, I shoulda stayed at.......

    And now vehicles are free till end of may (ish)
  • beaglebasher
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jan 2021 07:18 AM

    Yup, Tasmania is a beautiful is one beautiful state.

     Of course is going to be cooler , but prepare, and enjoy one of the many parts of Australia, if you haven't been there, missing out, seriously. Motorcycles are so welcome there, people, if ya human beings are also very welcome.
    Just watchout for the fucken wine drinking wallaby's at Freycinet, but one hell of a place, I shoulda stayed at.......

    I was down there in the summer. It was fukin cooking as we rode into  Hobart.
    I needed to take my jaccket off cos it was that fukin hot but I had nowhere to put it so I wrapped it around my bag and strapped it back on the bike.
    Old mate was too hot as well so I ended up with two fukin jackets .
    We were riding over the bridge and I noticed all the car drivers were giving me funny looks.
    My mate pulled up beside me with a big grin on his face and I thought he was just in a good mood.
    But it turned out the way the leather jacket"s  were  strapped on it looked like a dead body was sitting on the back of my bike.
    A dead body without  a head,  we called it the torso.
    We both got a root that night in Hobart but.
  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Not the dead body BB? There's a name for that. Oh and BTW

    Didn't see that first fall coming. Really enjoyed the video.

  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Welll. be first to comment. 
    Sheesh, glad his bike not mine, but in saying that a word comes to mind, a few actually. 
    First is tenacity , then shit loads of well, use your imagination John...
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Reading that was more entertaining BB than MDB's last Tassie post
  • Humbug
    4 years ago
    I believe he lost his entertainment value long ago...
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    M8 Road King Algae Green with patina, and just good old sea side character, one mad fucken hatter owner, give me Perrys bike , I'll buy that 114. 
    But Captain Kaos , not running in the auction.... 
  • Rivo
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 20 Jan 2021 09:49 AM

    M8 Road King Algae Green with patina, and just good old sea side character, one mad fucken hatter owner, give me Perrys bike , I'll buy that 114. 

    But Captain Kaos , not running in the auction.... 

    I thought I saw Perry has the 131ci in his bike ?
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 20 Jan 2021 09:49 AM

    M8 Road King Algae Green with patina, and just good old sea side character, one mad fucken hatter owner, give me Perrys bike , I'll buy that 114. 

    But Captain Kaos , not running in the auction.... 

    Quoting Rivo on 20 Jan 2021 01:30 PM

    I thought I saw Perry has the 131ci in his bike ?

    Not sure what size motor, they have, but I thought his name was Parry, thought it's his Sir name but I could be wrong.