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Million dollar bogun is back at it.
Million dollar bogun is back at it.
4 years ago
Far Canal
4 years ago
Quote source removed.
Ha ha JJ.
Thank goodness the bloke gave up the piss and the drugs years ago.
Can you IMAGINE him pissed?.
4 years ago
Well there you go the Hill. I spent the last three years out there. Interesting place.
4 years ago
Very interesting place, I kinda loved it too.
4 years ago
Personally I think he is a bit of a dick,,, But we keep watching !!!
Anyway ,,,, I thought he may have gone out to Silverton , (25kms from the Hill), and taken some drone video of the area,, especially Mundi Mundi lookout area ...It's spectacular at sunrise or sunset .....Could have thrown in some Mad Max stories as well .....
Far Canal
4 years ago
This may be the Mundi Mundi lookout area.
It is where those sculptures are on a hill.
Agree, Silverton is worth the trip too.
4 years ago
In these troubled times, an old photo is warming. Worked further down from there , but remember and the isolation and quiet was truly comforting.
F Troop coming down, into Wentworth.
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
Quoting Far Canal on 21 Jul 2020 08:27 AM
This may be the Mundi Mundi lookout area.
It is where those sculptures are on a hill.
Agree, Silverton is worth the trip too.
FC love the pic!
back in the 90's we road to Silverton & the owner let us sleep in the beer garden Free ( nice people!! ) A Three leg Dalmatian slept on us keep us warm the night. was on my old Kick Start Shovel
4 years ago
Coming up at 8.30pm
Quite enjoyable.
4 years ago
That was OK, we could all mmake a variety of coments, changes, but he went.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Serious ride, Yeh right, he wont be able to help himself
4 years ago
Lovely bike....sadly its like feeding caviar to monkeys!
4 years ago
looks very col, except that the fairing moves around like a fidgiter on the back.
Nice colour, free, doubt it.
4 years ago
I hope he doesn't root it. I couldn't stand by and just watch.
4 years ago
Far Canal
4 years ago
Quoting Far Canal on 21 Jul 2020 08:27 AM
This may be the Mundi Mundi lookout area.
It is where those sculptures are on a hill.
Agree, Silverton is worth the trip too.
Quoting Krash Kinkade on 21 Jul 2020 12:31 PM
FC love the pic!
back in the 90's we road to Silverton & the owner let us sleep in the beer garden Free ( nice people!! ) A Three leg Dalmatian slept on us keep us warm the night. was on my old Kick Start Shovel
Talking about 3 legged dogs, when I first moved to Tassie I went to a party and there was a guy there with a 3 legged Labrador called "Malcolm'.
There was also a guy at the party who had a dog that was a blue heeler, Bull terrier cross we will call "dog X".
Anyway, dog X took to Malcolm in a viscous unprovoked attack.
Malcolm's owner of course did not like this and stepped up and drove his boot into dog X, injuring the nasty brute.
Dog X's owner did not approve with Malcolm's owners solution to the dog attack and stepped up and punched Malcolm's owner right out. Decked him.
The bloke who asked me and my missus to the party (a big guy who was ruckman with the local footy team) did not like what dog X's owner did to Malcolm's owner so he stepped up and knocked the guy clean out.
All 3 blokes were friends.
Not sure what the moral of the story is.
4 years ago
Hey FC. Know exactly where you are been.
Life is funny, we do have to laugh at those memories past, and thanks for that, I don't remember either of those dogs. But they woulda sorted their shit out, without peoples being puched and shit. What pisses me off mo end, in this day are stupid stupid people bring a knife to the fore, is not a need. We always, well a few people I knew said, ya settle things with these, fists. Not blades. Thanks Far I liked that story. May post a one or two a mine riding round Orstralia, all happy ones.
I do like M$B s bike yhough, is it still a sin .., Envey.If had $ would play with that for a while, the CVO.
Krash Kinkade
4 years ago
Quoting Far Canal on 21 Jul 2020 08:27 AM
This may be the Mundi Mundi lookout area.
It is where those sculptures are on a hill.
Agree, Silverton is worth the trip too.
Quoting Krash Kinkade on 21 Jul 2020 12:31 PM
FC love the pic!
back in the 90's we road to Silverton & the owner let us sleep in the beer garden Free ( nice people!! ) A Three leg Dalmatian slept on us keep us warm the night. was on my old Kick Start Shovel
Quoting Far Canal on 24 Jul 2020 10:18 AM
Talking about 3 legged dogs, when I first moved to Tassie I went to a party and there was a guy there with a 3 legged Labrador called "Malcolm'.
There was also a guy at the party who had a dog that was a blue heeler, Bull terrier cross we will call "dog X".
Anyway, dog X took to Malcolm in a viscous unprovoked attack.
Malcolm's owner of course did not like this and stepped up and drove his boot into dog X, injuring the nasty brute.
Dog X's owner did not approve with Malcolm's owners solution to the dog attack and stepped up and punched Malcolm's owner right out. Decked him.
The bloke who asked me and my missus to the party (a big guy who was ruckman with the local footy team) did not like what dog X's owner did to Malcolm's owner so he stepped up and knocked the guy clean out.
All 3 blokes were friends.
Not sure what the moral of the story is.
the rule of thumb would be, you keep your dog under control. when you take it to a party.
people near me came from the bush to the coast & have a white cat, if a dog piss's this cat off, she don't muck around! I seen a mean pit bull attack her, she was that fast and jumped on his back, put the claws in and road him yelping, till he ran out of puff. I got more respect for cats after that.
4 years ago
Friggin cats. Dun like em but respect, when due too.
A little down from Broken Hill KK. Shooting on with Property owner at night . Just using .22 High Velo . came across a cat that was big as a medium sized dog, shot it square, then again and again. Five shots, had ta come up ta the cunt antd 6th shot in the head. It was a big fucken cat, shoulda used th 223 or others. fuck me they are hardy, and I respect that but, always a but, they kill birds. I like birds more.
Not tripping just sharing.
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