Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • Phatty
    4 years ago
    Yeah, It just keeps going and going , He's already back home and had it serviced. If I had the money I'd prob be out there doing something to enjoy meself :)
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    hey Phatty, thanks man.
    My view, Danwell does not have the experience which manu=y of us traveller do, but, in saing that, he's out there doing shit, I'm sitting on ma fat arse watching netflicks,sbs, apple shit, hanging for a taste of what he is giving me.
    Paddy mellons, buffalo, camels, and the never ending fucking cattle grids, not to mention, the plant, stay a while.
    He is a little naeive, but is learning every day as we all are, and wait till he sees those big mother fucken eagles on the tracks.
    That enginge does note does hit the button, agree S.
    If had his dollars woulda, well, do what he is but a little more refined, with cups of tea, and sconee every so often, with jam course.
  • brucefxdl
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 17 Jul 2020 10:34 AM

    hey Phatty, thanks man.

    My view, Danwell does not have the experience which manu=y of us traveller do, but, in saing that, he's out there doing shit, I'm sitting on ma fat arse watching netflicks,sbs, apple shit, hanging for a taste of what he is giving me.
    Paddy mellons, buffalo, camels, and the never ending fucking cattle grids, not to mention, the plant, stay a while.
    He is a little naeive, but is learning every day as we all are, and wait till he sees those big mother fucken eagles on the tracks.
    That enginge does note does hit the button, agree S.
    If had his dollars woulda, well, do what he is but a little more refined, with cups of tea, and sconee every so often, with jam course.

    was hoping he wouldnt eat the paddies,be sick for a week.the central oz wedgies are huge...worse when on 2 wheels. 
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    On the money brother. 
  • Smokey61
    4 years ago
    He often announces a trip to an outback destination and fails to get there. Maybe if he didn't fuck around so much. Can't see him making it to CC either.
  • steelo
    4 years ago

  • brucefxdl
    4 years ago
    tool...chases sheep from their water....not to mention his " precious fuel ",and he wonders why people bag him.
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Bruce, ahh what can one say, phewwwy.
    Remember the fucken dust too...
    Anyway, ya can survive for a coons age not eating, as we know.
    He's like a 16 year old going out into the scrub, with a leatherman and an unlimited plastic card. We can do that trip on apostie bike, postie not apostile.
    With the sheep, if he did that a few years ago he woulda got a 303 warning shot....
    Anyway he was out there, very uneducated, Australian, but he was out there.Fuck me, you can survive without the eat routine, for a long time.

  • brucefxdl
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jul 2020 06:40 AM

    Bruce, ahh what can one say, phewwwy.

    Remember the fucken dust too...
    Anyway, ya can survive for a coons age not eating, as we know.
    He's like a 16 year old going out into the scrub, with a leatherman and an unlimited plastic card. We can do that trip on apostie bike, postie not apostile.
    With the sheep, if he did that a few years ago he woulda got a 303 warning shot....
    Anyway he was out there, very uneducated, Australian, but he was out there.Fuck me, you can survive without the eat routine, for a long time.

    said to the wife,if the farmer caught him stirring up the sheep, he would need to shove his tooth brush up his arse to clean his teeth
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jul 2020 06:40 AM

    Bruce, ahh what can one say, phewwwy.

    Remember the fucken dust too...
    Anyway, ya can survive for a coons age not eating, as we know.
    He's like a 16 year old going out into the scrub, with a leatherman and an unlimited plastic card. We can do that trip on apostie bike, postie not apostile.
    With the sheep, if he did that a few years ago he woulda got a 303 warning shot....
    Anyway he was out there, very uneducated, Australian, but he was out there.Fuck me, you can survive without the eat routine, for a long time.

    Quoting brucefxdl on 18 Jul 2020 06:45 AM

    said to the wife,if the farmer caught him stirring up the sheep, he would need to shove his tooth brush up his arse to clean his teeth

    Funny you say that Bruce.
    I said to Mrs Canal watching it , "If the farmer saw him chasing his sheep on his Harley, he'd probably shoot the cunt."
    It is pretty easy to run a sheep to death, peoples stupid dogs do it often.
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 18 Jul 2020 06:40 AM

    Bruce, ahh what can one say, phewwwy.

    Remember the fucken dust too...
    Anyway, ya can survive for a coons age not eating, as we know.
    He's like a 16 year old going out into the scrub, with a leatherman and an unlimited plastic card. We can do that trip on apostie bike, postie not apostile.
    With the sheep, if he did that a few years ago he woulda got a 303 warning shot....
    Anyway he was out there, very uneducated, Australian, but he was out there.Fuck me, you can survive without the eat routine, for a long time.

    Quoting brucefxdl on 18 Jul 2020 06:45 AM

    said to the wife,if the farmer caught him stirring up the sheep, he would need to shove his tooth brush up his arse to clean his teeth

    Quoting Far Canal on 18 Jul 2020 06:50 AMedited: 18 Jul 2020 07:55 AM

    Funny you say that Bruce.
    I said to Mrs Canal watching it , "If the farmer saw him chasing his sheep on his Harley, he'd probably shoot the cunt."
    It is pretty easy to run a sheep to death, peoples stupid dogs do it often.

    yer chasing sheep should be barrred
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting brucefxdl on 18 Jul 2020 06:45 AM

    said to the wife,if the farmer caught him stirring up the sheep, he would need to shove his tooth brush up his arse to clean his teeth

    Quoting Far Canal on 18 Jul 2020 06:50 AMedited: 18 Jul 2020 07:55 AM

    Funny you say that Bruce.
    I said to Mrs Canal watching it , "If the farmer saw him chasing his sheep on his Harley, he'd probably shoot the cunt."
    It is pretty easy to run a sheep to death, peoples stupid dogs do it often.

    Quoting bloodog on 18 Jul 2020 07:59 AM

    yer chasing sheep should be barrred

    Off course allowed if your a KIWI..
  • steelo
    4 years ago

  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Good one Mr.Steel.
    Have people not heard of a compass, I have always one in my Man Bag, satchel, plus other little things that never use , but are there.
    Every one is different but, a compass gives direction, just for a start..

  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    he could have rode 25 feet left and rode through the station gate and rode in, we have seen him not follow the rules on a number off occasions even with his stance on border closures, he has a right to protest and left his mark,
    he also opened and closed the gate, you would be shocked how many people drive through and don't close them

    the overseer or manager would definitely had a calf if he was seen chasing sheep, even riding around the dam would have had there attention
    muster cattle and sheep at a walk, goats on the run, a real estate seller would not know anything country, as we know he is just winging it, I am surprised some folk have not chastised him around some of the country etiquette he has missed, maybe they have and it has been cut from the blog.

    I asked my uncle what he would do, "definitely be asking him to leave" (he has just over 300,000 acres)
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    You are more elequent with words than I. Am always the quiet one, thinking WTF, and yeah, agree to agree with you totally. My old man was a Jackaroo in the Flinders Ranges, till 42, 19 that is t 16 enlisted, for Japanese misbehaviour, any way thats a long story. But he woulda chased down any person, who was fiddling with his property owners sheep at Beltana Station, SA. Bloody Tourists..

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    What I sometimes think is strange is that he avoids (well at least on the VLOGS) meaningful contact with the many salt of the earth country people that he must come across. Has a bit of a "look down" (AKA shit) attitude at the folk who make him coffees, food and sell him petrol. It's a missed opportunity.
  • Airhead
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 19 Jul 2020 11:23 AM

    What I sometimes think is strange is that he avoids (well at least on the VLOGS) meaningful contact with the many salt of the earth country people that he must come across. Has a bit of a "look down" (AKA shit) attitude at the folk who make him coffees, food and sell him petrol. It's a missed opportunity.

    Yeah your right.   It is a consistent thread through each blog.  People out there have more important jobs to do than to be baristas.
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Airhead you have hit it in one. 
  • steelo
    4 years ago
    It's too late in the day JJ. I've finished breakfast so I couldn't spit out my cornflakes. Very funny.