Online: paulybronco, speedzter, Wanderer57

Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 13 Jul 2020 09:49 AM

    Million dollar wanker.
    Got plenty of snot up my nose to pick and rub into my eyes before wasting 25 minutes watching that.

    Ha Ha if you recall on one trip he drained the oil out of the bike straight on the ground while filming it...cost him a fine from EPA. Now he has done this border crossing and hung the cop who was trying to help him out. All this to be a you tube star
  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 13 Jul 2020 09:49 AM

    Million dollar wanker.
    Got plenty of snot up my nose to pick and rub into my eyes before wasting 25 minutes watching that.

    Quoting paulybronco on 13 Jul 2020 10:05 AM

    Ha Ha if you recall on one trip he drained the oil out of the bike straight on the ground while filming it...cost him a fine from EPA. Now he has done this border crossing and hung the cop who was trying to help him out. All this to be a you tube star

    i said that would happen 
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 13 Jul 2020 10:20 AM

    they used to be a can-am dealer, had some on the run maintenance done on the wife's Spyder
    they were not a HD dealer then (about 5 years ago)
    they actually gave us better service than the dealer we purchased the bike with info on not done recalls

    he also went past Coffs Harbour HD
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 13 Jul 2020 09:23 AM

    I saw this at my mum's place tonight, I don't know how you guys can manage to sit through this moron. I tried one of his videos on here once and reckon I'd rather slam my dick repeatedly in the car door, seeing this tonight just confirmed it.
    Not that I'd trust anything A Current Affair serves up but he'll probably help to get the QLD border closed again and a not too bright copper a desk job.
  • Jay-Dee
    4 years ago
    Quote source removed.
    Ha ha, I'd rather not do either. 
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    Quoting Jay-Dee on 13 Jul 2020 11:33 AM

    Ha ha, I'd rather not do either. 

    so take away the pain but leave the swelling guys?
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Next episode 9.15 tonight
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    how does the current affair blog get out before the rest of the ride to Cameron corner post up

    ain't he back in Melbourne for the interview or am I wrong
  • steelo
    4 years ago

  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Its interesting that he continues to incriminate himself claiming he was only in Qld for a day....Cameron's corner is still in Qld and its taken longer than a day from Gasoline Alley to get there.
  • Soapbox2627
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 01:16 AM

    Its interesting that he continues to incriminate himself claiming he was only in Qld for a day....Cameron's corner is still in Qld and its taken longer than a day from Gasoline Alley to get there.

    he went to Goondiwindi from GA, Yep still in Qld.
    from there into NSW across to Bourke.
    Cameron Corner via Tibooburra is also NSW
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 01:16 AM

    Its interesting that he continues to incriminate himself claiming he was only in Qld for a day....Cameron's corner is still in Qld and its taken longer than a day from Gasoline Alley to get there.

    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 15 Jul 2020 09:36 AM

    he went to Goondiwindi from GA, Yep still in Qld.
    from there into NSW across to Bourke.
    Cameron Corner via Tibooburra is also NSW

    And then back into QLD a second time to Camerons Corner that is in QLD!
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 01:16 AM

    Its interesting that he continues to incriminate himself claiming he was only in Qld for a day....Cameron's corner is still in Qld and its taken longer than a day from Gasoline Alley to get there.

    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 15 Jul 2020 09:36 AM

    he went to Goondiwindi from GA, Yep still in Qld.
    from there into NSW across to Bourke.
    Cameron Corner via Tibooburra is also NSW

    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 09:59 AM

    And then back into QLD a second time to Camerons Corner that is in QLD!

    The rabbit proof fence, to keep rabbits out of QLD! but we need a Caine toad proof fence!!
    if your in Bourke, you can get to Cameron's corner & would not make sense to cross into QLD if your got to go to Melbourne?
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 15 Jul 2020 09:36 AM

    he went to Goondiwindi from GA, Yep still in Qld.
    from there into NSW across to Bourke.
    Cameron Corner via Tibooburra is also NSW

    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 09:59 AM

    And then back into QLD a second time to Camerons Corner that is in QLD!

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 15 Jul 2020 11:37 AM

    The rabbit proof fence, to keep rabbits out of QLD! but we need a Caine toad proof fence!!

    if your in Bourke, you can get to Cameron's corner & would not make sense to cross into QLD if your got to go to Melbourne?

    How hard is it boys, Camerons Corner is in QLD!  Regardless what direction you came from if your in Camerons Corner your in QLD
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 09:59 AM

    And then back into QLD a second time to Camerons Corner that is in QLD!

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 15 Jul 2020 11:37 AM

    The rabbit proof fence, to keep rabbits out of QLD! but we need a Caine toad proof fence!!

    if your in Bourke, you can get to Cameron's corner & would not make sense to cross into QLD if your got to go to Melbourne?

    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 11:01 PM

    How hard is it boys, Camerons Corner is in QLD!  Regardless what direction you came from if your in Camerons Corner your in QLD

    Ok beautiful spot Pauly LOL
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 15 Jul 2020 11:37 AM

    The rabbit proof fence, to keep rabbits out of QLD! but we need a Caine toad proof fence!!

    if your in Bourke, you can get to Cameron's corner & would not make sense to cross into QLD if your got to go to Melbourne?

    Quoting paulybronco on 15 Jul 2020 11:01 PM

    How hard is it boys, Camerons Corner is in QLD!  Regardless what direction you came from if your in Camerons Corner your in QLD

    Quoting Krash Kinkade on 16 Jul 2020 12:30 AM

    Ok beautiful spot Pauly LOL

    Ha Ha.
  • Phatty
    4 years ago

    In 10 minutes
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Cheers phatty 
    will have a look later 
  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Thanks Phatty. Really enjoyed that. Great scenery, music, narrative. Look out for the big bird hovering over Danny as he heads off road. (maybe it's been watching the VLOGS and hoping for an off.)
    I just can't get over how good that bike sounds and goes!