Ha Ha if you recall on one trip he drained the oil out of the bike straight on the ground while filming it...cost him a fine from EPA. Now he has done this border crossing and hung the cop who was trying to help him out. All this to be a you tube star
Ha ha, I'd rather not do either.
Its interesting that he continues to incriminate himself claiming he was only in Qld for a day....Cameron's corner is still in Qld and its taken longer than a day from Gasoline Alley to get there.
And then back into QLD a second time to Camerons Corner that is in QLD!
The rabbit proof fence, to keep rabbits out of QLD! but we need a Caine toad proof fence!!
How hard is it boys, Camerons Corner is in QLD! Regardless what direction you came from if your in Camerons Corner your in QLD
Ok beautiful spot Pauly LOL