Online: Retroman, Glide59, Hilly, Ultramick

Million dollar bogun is back at it.

  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Quoting wello on 08 Jul 2020 02:59 AMedited: 08 Jul 2020 03:05 AM

    now hes posted this , i wonder if there will be a big investigation about the cop letting him into qld ..i doubt that cop realized he was being recorded !
    im pretty sure that they can find out who it is if they look into it enough .. thing is there are peole that may need to legit cross the borders and him posting this really fucks it up for a lot of people with the way things are going ... letting him through is one thing but posting it online is blantanty fucking stupid.
    now hes posted thii

    Quoting steelo on 08 Jul 2020 07:00 AM

    I feel embarrassed at that failed tyre scrubbing exercise. Sigh. 

    He fails at most things but we still keep watching. Hard to believe he could not pick the low tire pressures
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    He seems to be a STAR in real estate.
    However real estate folk have been on a pretty rich gravy train until recently.
    Not sticking up for him, he shits me to tears and makes me pick my nose and rub it in my eyes.
  • Baloffski
    4 years ago
    Have written a huge diatribe, but coughing, ( Am a Victorian ) is ok, but lost written statements.
    Now, Far Canal you are one of my favourite gents, but you did initiate this lunatics, diatribes, which areb entertaining, and he is so correct in saying get out there. But I am now a Victorian with a short life span, and, he gives me a morphed, please, as I can not do it, and selling my HD soon. 
    Anyway you and the blokes have nade me laugh. 
    Thank you Far Ken Hell.Not gone yet, but soonish. No, you cunts always bring a smile, be round long time.
    OK, just looked M$B and coronation street came to mind......
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 08 Jul 2020 09:21 AM

    He seems to be a STAR in real estate.
    However real estate folk have been on a pretty rich gravy train until recently.
    Not sticking up for him, he shits me to tears and makes me pick my nose and rub it in my eyes.

    he shits me to tears and makes me pick my nose and rub it in my eyes.
    fucking classic FC
  • Airhead
    4 years ago
    It seems oddly strange that someone always turns up to pull him out of the shit at the last minute.  I smell a rat, I think this shit is prearranged.  It is just done for the drama to reinforce a narcissistic personality - surely a five foot six inch middle aged guy with some minor success in business would be more balanced right? - for instance when he was getting bogged at Boambee Beach on the southern outskirts of the Coffs Harbour CBD he could have arranged for his tyres to come down from Gassoline Alley to North Coast V Twins who are in Coffs Harbour.  But, there would be no drama in that, it would be the sensible thing that the rest of us would have done.  Boring actually.
    I do feel sorry for the Roady though, it really is a disposable prop for his out of control ego.  But then yes, I choose to watch this shit so he is arguably smarter than me...
  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Airhead on 08 Jul 2020 11:52 PM

    It seems oddly strange that someone always turns up to pull him out of the shit at the last minute.  I smell a rat, I think this shit is prearranged.  It is just done for the drama to reinforce a narcissistic personality - surely a five foot six inch middle aged guy with some minor success in business would be more balanced right? - for instance when he was getting bogged at Boambee Beach on the southern outskirts of the Coffs Harbour CBD he could have arranged for his tyres to come down from Gassoline Alley to North Coast V Twins who are in Coffs Harbour.  But, there would be no drama in that, it would be the sensible thing that the rest of us would have done.  Boring actually.

    I do feel sorry for the Roady though, it really is a disposable prop for his out of control ego.  But then yes, I choose to watch this shit so he is arguably smarter than me...

    yep im thinking the same with the set ups .. who in their right mind sees a bike bogged in the water and then does a doughnut  before stopping to see whats happened .. well unless ur a retard of course !.. makes me think that the guy new well in advance that he was being filmed.
    the thing is that all he can think of is getting his bike bogged every 5 minutes to add some drama .. thats definatly long in the tooth now. i guess im like the majority .. i watch the whole clip but then afterwards im in two minds about it .. one side of my mind saying good on him for getting out there and living the so called dream .. but the other side of my mind saying half the shit he does is fake set ups ..and hes just an attention seeker and im looking for things in the vids to justify that ... hhmmmm !!!!!

  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting Airhead on 08 Jul 2020 11:52 PM

    It seems oddly strange that someone always turns up to pull him out of the shit at the last minute.  I smell a rat, I think this shit is prearranged.  It is just done for the drama to reinforce a narcissistic personality - surely a five foot six inch middle aged guy with some minor success in business would be more balanced right? - for instance when he was getting bogged at Boambee Beach on the southern outskirts of the Coffs Harbour CBD he could have arranged for his tyres to come down from Gassoline Alley to North Coast V Twins who are in Coffs Harbour.  But, there would be no drama in that, it would be the sensible thing that the rest of us would have done.  Boring actually.

    I do feel sorry for the Roady though, it really is a disposable prop for his out of control ego.  But then yes, I choose to watch this shit so he is arguably smarter than me...

    Quoting wello on 09 Jul 2020 12:22 AM

    yep im thinking the same with the set ups .. who in their right mind sees a bike bogged in the water and then does a doughnut  before stopping to see whats happened .. well unless ur a retard of course !.. makes me think that the guy new well in advance that he was being filmed.

    the thing is that all he can think of is getting his bike bogged every 5 minutes to add some drama .. thats definatly long in the tooth now. i guess im like the majority .. i watch the whole clip but then afterwards im in two minds about it .. one side of my mind saying good on him for getting out there and living the so called dream .. but the other side of my mind saying half the shit he does is fake set ups ..and hes just an attention seeker and im looking for things in the vids to justify that ... hhmmmm !!!!!

    could not agree more with you Wello 
    but I keep checking for the next blog to watch.

     every time he starts the Road King up, that sound is so don't know how to say, just something keeps me watching 

  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Airhead on 08 Jul 2020 11:52 PM

    It seems oddly strange that someone always turns up to pull him out of the shit at the last minute.  I smell a rat, I think this shit is prearranged.  It is just done for the drama to reinforce a narcissistic personality - surely a five foot six inch middle aged guy with some minor success in business would be more balanced right? - for instance when he was getting bogged at Boambee Beach on the southern outskirts of the Coffs Harbour CBD he could have arranged for his tyres to come down from Gassoline Alley to North Coast V Twins who are in Coffs Harbour.  But, there would be no drama in that, it would be the sensible thing that the rest of us would have done.  Boring actually.

    I do feel sorry for the Roady though, it really is a disposable prop for his out of control ego.  But then yes, I choose to watch this shit so he is arguably smarter than me...

    Quoting wello on 09 Jul 2020 12:22 AM

    yep im thinking the same with the set ups .. who in their right mind sees a bike bogged in the water and then does a doughnut  before stopping to see whats happened .. well unless ur a retard of course !.. makes me think that the guy new well in advance that he was being filmed.

    the thing is that all he can think of is getting his bike bogged every 5 minutes to add some drama .. thats definatly long in the tooth now. i guess im like the majority .. i watch the whole clip but then afterwards im in two minds about it .. one side of my mind saying good on him for getting out there and living the so called dream .. but the other side of my mind saying half the shit he does is fake set ups ..and hes just an attention seeker and im looking for things in the vids to justify that ... hhmmmm !!!!!

    Quoting bloodog on 09 Jul 2020 01:46 AM

    could not agree more with you Wello 

    but I keep checking for the next blog to watch.

     every time he starts the Road King up, that sound is so don't know how to say, just something keeps me watching 

    yeh i must admit that road king sounds and runs sweet as 
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    "yeh i must admit that road king sounds and runs sweet as"
    Would not want to buy that particular one second hand though.

  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 09 Jul 2020 08:26 AMedited: 09 Jul 2020 08:29 AM

    "yeh i must admit that road king sounds and runs sweet as"
    Would not want to buy that particular one second hand though.

    yep its fucked now , no amount of washing it down will get that salt out now .. had he preped it beforehand maybe with silicon or marine grease maybe .. but it wont be long before it starts rotting out
  • Phatty
    4 years ago

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Thanks P. That was a bit of a nothing episode..
  • wello
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 12 Jul 2020 01:22 AM

    Thanks P. That was a bit of a nothing episode..

    hes having a cry about people criticising him .. as if you would post vids doing what he does and not expect to get some backlash .. he say he doesnt care but clearly he does
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quote source removed.
    Ha Ha 
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Is there a cam in Cameron Corner Boom boom 
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    4 years ago
    Quoting bloodog on 12 Jul 2020 06:46 AM

    Is there a cam in Cameron Corner Boom boom 

    No just a corner post.
  • paulybronco
    4 years ago
    Well seems Daniel is in a bit of A current Affair tonight...
  • wello
    4 years ago

  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Oh noooooooo.     
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    4 years ago
    Million dollar wanker.
    Got plenty of snot up my nose to pick and rub into my eyes before wasting 25 minutes watching that.