So my 6 yr old daughter (7 in a month) has now had a few rides on the back of the hog. Her feet reach the foot pegs, the helmet fits, we do not exceed second gear, we stick to the blocks around the house, she thinks its the greatest thing ever, she has been asking to go for a ride since she was 4 something, and going for a ride has been HER request on all three occasions. Hypothetically. It's all hypothetical of course.
I had the same problem with the ex wife. My approach was, so long as the kids are wearing the right safety gear and they feel safe on the bike (ie I had a sissy bar on the back that gave them a LOT of comfort and safety) then I would take them on the bike. Of course the ex wife screamed and even threatened to call the cops on me for doing so - I told her to go f%$^k herself and to call the cops - she never did. Key is that YOU have top be comfortable that your kids a safe! Buy Kevlar jeans for them etc as I did.
Could throw it around the wife's waist and ...wrong thread
bloody good idea! Wish I had known about it