other type of fun

  • beaglebasher
    3 months
    If it happens again you should get soapy to send you up some sausages.
    He would probably have them cooking before the fire got there.
  • bloodog
    1 month
    Picked up some Golf of Carpentaria wild salt water Barramundi wings from the Cairns market, done them in the mini Weber. 👍
  • GGUser260
    1 month
    Quoting bloodog on 02 Jun 2024 04:13 AM

    Picked up some Golf of Carpentaria wild salt water Barramundi wings from the Cairns market, done them in the mini Weber. 👍

    looks great. If Buffalo can have wings why not a barra too.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    Went down to Peak Crossing for a cultural burning workshop, about 130 kms, took the bagger. Had to leave at 0645, sun barely up, temp was 2° and still dropping, didn't get much warmer until I hit the more open country south of Esk. Used to do small patchwork burns a bit back on my old Obi land. Of course cultural burning is different in sifferent parts of the country. In Western Sydney it's probably the stolen cars.
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Quoting obisteve on 22 Jun 2024 09:38 AM

    Went down to Peak Crossing for a cultural burning workshop, about 130 kms, took the bagger. Had to leave at 0645, sun barely up, temp was 2° and still dropping, didn't get much warmer until I hit the more open country south of Esk. Used to do small patchwork burns a bit back on my old Obi land. Of course cultural burning is different in sifferent parts of the country. In Western Sydney it's probably the stolen cars.

    Knew about it but experienced it first hand on our Cape York trip....two indigenous lads started a burn just a few meters away when we stopped for a breather. We mentioned it to the ranger in Coen who wised us up...dumb white boys from the city! 
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    More on the burn....local gubi gubi people have a vision for the sunshine coast that includes traditional burns along with fish traps, cultural centre and gubi gubi language lessons.
  • Humbug
    1 month
    They call it caring for country up here. Have been on a couple of trips. Driving round throwing lit matchs out the troopy windows,easy as.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    Fish traps in the Obi, that will make it easier to catch the Mary River cod that live in it.
  • Hilly
    1 month
    Stick of jelly works good 😁