A visitor from the city

  • steelo
    5 years ago
    And I even went without my customary sticky bun.
  • Spook
    5 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 09 May 2019 09:56 AM

    And I even went without my customary sticky bun.

    He did too. I was aghast!
  • Spook
    5 years ago

  • binnsy
    5 years ago
    Sticky bun eating snob !!!
  • steelo
    5 years ago
    Do they call me Steelo the visitor from the city? NO!! I miss calling him for a cuppa one day and it's Steelo the bastard!!
    I felt sick as I saw Spook crossing the road with all his girlfriends. I was on the bike and ready to pull away from the kerb when he saw me. "Missed it by that much."
    Picture of Larry with his harem.

  • Spook
    5 years ago
    Quoting binnsy on 22 May 2019 09:12 AM

    Sticky bun eating snob !!!

  • Spook
    5 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 22 May 2019 09:22 AM

    Do they call me Steelo the visitor from the city? NO!! I miss calling him for a cuppa one day and it's Steelo the bastard!!
    I felt sick as I saw Spook crossing the road with all his girlfriends. I was on the bike and ready to pull away from the kerb when he saw me. "Missed it by that much."
    Picture of Larry with his harem.

  • Spook
    5 years ago
    June 1 is a good day to start off the financial year with a ride and the visitor from the city escaped the clutches of SWMBO and got to my home hamlet. Apart from a little colon trouble he performed well and even managed to scarf half a buttered finger bun with the coffee that he imbibed. Yeah, I had the other half so one could say that we're sorta looking after each other's diet restrictions. Good to see ya, mate.
  • Spook
    5 years ago
    Had a visit from the Visitor from the city today along with his lovely bride. Good to see you looking well, mate. As the bride said, NOW BLOODY LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!
  • Spook
    4 years ago
    I waited.............and waited..........................and waited, It seems our Steelo is put off by cool temperatures in the winter coz we haven't seen him at his favorite sticky bun shop for a while. I waited...............
  • binnsy
    4 years ago
    Quoting Spook on 10 Jul 2020 05:27 PM

    I waited.............and waited..........................and waited, It seems our Steelo is put off by cool temperatures in the winter coz we haven't seen him at his favorite sticky bun shop for a while. I waited...............

    I know where he will be in September if you haven't seen him or his buns by then Spook !!
  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Heading back from goolwa to Adelaide this afternoon, I dropped in to c my country cousin young spook at the Strathalbyn bakery. He had the coffees ordered and a selection of sticky buns To Make bike and people watching a pleasant experience. Thanks for the hospitality Larry!  
  • Spook
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 29 Aug 2020 07:54 AM

    Heading back from goolwa to Adelaide this afternoon, I dropped in to c my country cousin young spook at the Strathalbyn bakery. He had the coffees ordered and a selection of sticky buns To Make bike and people watching a pleasant experience. Thanks for the hospitality Larry!  

    All good, mate. Always good to sling shit.............errrrr........chat to the visitor from the city!
  • Spook
    4 years ago
    I've been to the sticky bun shop several times expecting Steelo to be in attendance but is he the residence?....No, totally isolated am I.
  • steelo
    4 years ago
    Soon my precious. Soon.  Fine riding days haven't exactly been growing on trees lately
  • bloodog
    4 years ago
    Quoting steelo on 26 Sep 2020 02:00 AMedited: 26 Sep 2020 02:00 AM

    Soon my precious. Soon.  Fine riding days haven't exactly been growing on trees lately

    Ride up to Cairns for a beer then Steelo
  • Spook
    4 years ago
    Not nice to hear I'm just a fine weather friend. I'm deeply hurt, Steelo.
  • steelo
    3 years ago
    With Covid numbers increasing at a vast rate in sa. I thought I’d get out for a quick ride with my bil before shutting myself in at home. He on his heritage. (Which I’ve been babysitting while he upgrades his house) For the second time in 2 days we headed to Strathalbyn in glorious weather on spectacular roads and caught up with spook for coffee and a shared sticky bun. Somehow he managed to avoid putting his hand in his pocket x 2 but I’ll catch him next time as he is a very hospitable country chap.  Good to c u spook. 
  • Baloffski
    3 years ago
    That's a good tale steelo, hope mr.spook is doing well and you guys enjoyed the road. Loved riding south in summer, hoping to ride over again soon, but bloody c19 shit. Oh yeah , welcome to Victoria's nightmare. bloody covert the barstead!