Hi Sparra, hope ya well mate.
Can't offer an alternate recommendation ( don't get out much) sep on the bike.
I have a Maton ''Wildcat'' that I bought in 91 and have never felt the need t upgrade again.
It cost me over 2 grand, that was a lot for me back then but one of my better moves,
moving up from a conga line of shit boxes, the tone was a dream.
What Rob said about the action and try t get ya self t a store and test drive a couple.
Mate you know your interests but I do recommend you get into some cords and strum patterns,
then add the plucking t that. Keep having fun mate and I hope arthritis don't beat ya.
Good stuff mate, it only gets better.
Don't fret (sorry ha ha ) about barr chords, they will happen in time,
there is still shit loads of fun t b had on a guitar without them.
Hope t catch up soon mate.