Online: B0nes, Hilly

Bleeding hydraulic fluid from Clutch

  • Ratbob
    7 years ago
    I've bled the brakes ok but finding it more difficult to get a good flow from the clutch.
    A friend suggested I get a vacuum bleeder kit.
    Any of you guys used and recommend one of these kits, looks like they sell for anything from $23 to $500.

    (Don't think it's a blockage as the clutch works fine, just hasn't been bled for years.)
  • FLHuTChU
    7 years ago
    If you want the best that will last, get one of these.
    Mityvac silverline elite kit. $118 part number MV-8500
  • FLHuTChU
    7 years ago
    Its good for cars bikes etc and is a pump as well as a vacuum so you can pump fluid through not just suck it out. hope this helps. Hutch
  • Ratbob
    7 years ago
    Hey Adz and Hutch, thanks for the advice. Appreciated, Cheers