HD Forums Australia
A Non starter
A Non starter
7 years ago
Well, I've done it this time..... Arrrrghhh..
Getting ready to go for a scoot, warmed bike, 103-2012 R.Glide then turned off to piss fart around, put on helmet, jacket, ok all set. Couldn't start, plus flashing blinkers and alarm going berserko. Did think fuck why didn't I ever take the time to reset alarm PIN, just in case, but fairly sure not the issue, the ignition lock may be a suspect as have had replaced once... Manual is not much assistance under troubleshooting. Online, I have found a few pages of pressing indicators about 20 time in the satanic sequence with security system saying am a fuckwit, with the alarm going ballistic when trying to reset.. Any advice would be great, as I need a ride. thanks Ohh yeah, has new battery, plus two new key fob batteries as well....
7 years ago
pb. I put new battery in both fobs. (As I too thought this was the issue, no go. )Have genuine HD Battery 6 months ago. So how can she start one minute then goes into the fuckoff sequence the next, has me baffled. Both key fobs (Non press as you know) has had batteries from same batch that may be aged. So will get new 2032's tomorrow and try. May be over thinking but seems a little more than battery issue.thanks.
7 years ago
when I changed my battery I remember doing some sequence with the main big red fuse to reset the alarm sorry carn`t quite remember , but you said it was changed 6 months ago so maybe not relevant . fob battery the right way round?
7 years ago
Non goer. Battery fobs, both new as main battery and correct way around. Bike always on trickle charge. Can't understand how can start, idle beautifully, then turned off, and 10mins later gives me the "fuck you - Not starting routine."
ignition locking mechanism, maybe. I'll keep plodding and poking, bugga...
7 years ago
This could almost be like the flu for bikes, goin around at the moment.
Went to start the bike yesterday, neither keys registering so the alarm just kept going off, replaced both batteries and still couldn't get the keys to work, used the PIN over ride and the bike started, now my fobs seem to be working fine again.
Not sure what fixed it or how but it seemed to work for me? Of course none of this is of any use if you don't know the PIN?
Do you have the owners manual? The original pun for mine is written in the front of that
7 years ago
Where is the receiver that detects the fob signal? I remember reading somewhere other singals can interfere and cause the bike to not start, something about placing the fob on the seat so that might be where the receiver is. Possible that when battery was replaced connection was damaged and only working intermittently which is why it started once and now won't.
7 years ago
Played with fobs, batteries same as and back together and I'll be fucked it starts..Unbelievable. Fobs were as always...Thanks for assistance, but some reason started - no changes..Fob flue? Embarrassing but true. Stoked..
7 years ago
Electrics are our "modern day blessing and our modern day curse" with newer bikes/cars...
Will keep investigating electric system, to find out why.
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