Pls recommend a battery

  • mick8
    7 years ago

    Can anyone recommend a really good battery for my '14 Switchback.

    The last one I bought from the Harley shop was 4 June 2016 for $170, and has lasted just on a year. I put the Harley- Davidson brand battery tender on it, but suspect it was a seriously basic battery anyway. What brand/spec do people recommend so I buy something with balls?



  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    I thought the Harley batteries are usually ok?  I'd check the date and take it back if it's under warranty.
  • srd0060
    7 years ago
    SSB from sydney they are great and last for years.. i had a new Iron and the battery didn't last 12months kept going flat HD said it was fine replaced it with a SSB and never been on a tender since.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    A few people have told me lately HD AGM battery's not what thdy used to be.
    Also a mate just got an SSB after a HD AGM went south said it has double the cca
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    On my second battery in 5yrs and 60k , never trickle charged it and it runs a big amp for the stereo. Std Harley battery
  • robots
    7 years ago
    got one of the SSB where you add acid in, been going fine for 2 years, put it on trickle charger every now and again, delivered to door about $100
  • speedzter
    7 years ago
    HD batteries aren't what they used to be.
    Only speaking about the Dyna batteries, but two years is about all I get, and they can struggle before that.
    There's been lots of talk on the American forums complaining about them.
    The yanks are recommending the Yuasa GYZ series, but not sure if they are easily available here.

  • Wideglider
    7 years ago
    All these comments above about which battery is better than that may be valid...but,
    as kiwidave mentioned - check your charging system (diagnostics described in your workshop manual).
    The battery is only one component of your entire electric system. There is absolutely no point at all in following any advice above regarding purchasing the 'world's most awesome motorbike battery' until you determine your voltage charging level is healthy!
  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    Just don't go sticking your cheapy multi meter on anything bigger than a car battery.