Online: John.R

Steering Dampers

  • 009jim
    7 years ago
    hi Folks, Has anyone installed a steering damper on a 2008 Sportster?
  • TJU
    7 years ago
    Tussick ... Did it make a marked difference using a damper on your Harley ... They used to be a must have accessory on the Old Z 9's and Honda 4's ... Helped immensely with the handling issues ... Not something you tend to see much on Harleys ... Always thought they would be a benifit .
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    If you ride any bike hard, they are a good idea!
  • John.R
    7 years ago

    What issue are you trying to solve?

    I can't imagine tank slappers are a big issue on sporty, its not as if the engine is so powerful that the front end goes light coming out of corners and giving it headshake?

    If you are having speed wobble issues (different from slappers) then you need to be looking at your suspension and/org fork flex.

  • daddyracer56
    7 years ago
    da sporty's with da 16" front wheel would tank slap for sure  , we ran steering dampers on our 883 twinsport racer's   cheers Bob
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    On my FXR it made a big difference!  I have a long sweeper near home that when I took it at about 110-120 the bike would get the wobbles and scare the chit out of me.  After I fitted the dampener I tried an experiment at 150 and she ran like she was on rails!  Having said that the core reason for the unit was that I was planning to take the bike to the salt flats and try out for a record; not there yet but I have never removed the unit as for general street use overall stability is fantastic (mind you its an FXR which means its got the best handling to begin with anyway)
    During summer solo runs the bike will keep up with the best of them in the curves and is rock steady with the main risk being scrapping

    I also tried a fork brace and while made a great difference at tightening the front end up a LOT it did clunk a little on my bike (since then i have found the fork oils were different levels) .  The old FXR has the 35mm forks so a later bike with the wider ones may be fine.

    If you have basic fabbing skills then give it a go...not many Harleys out there with a steering dampener fitted (watch out for the cheap eBay kits as the dampener is chit) so be different and stand out a little!
  • daddyracer56
    7 years ago
    when ya tyre's are a bit worn da handling goe's out da window
  • 009jim
    7 years ago
    Found this one just now.................
    Far as I know, all of the 2008 XL1200C have the same tank as mine - 4.5 gallon. Some steering dampers advertised exclude the 4.5 gallon tank.
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    yep, that will do the trick.  They are pricey but not that bad when you look at the costs for a GSXR dampner unit if your making your own setup.