HD Forums Australia
Port Fairy
Port Fairy
7 years ago
China and I went down to Port Fairy for an overnight ride, decided to go via the Otway's and as usual it rained through the twisty windy slippery bits, first stop had us at the Wonky Donkey pub (Forest) for a quick beer then on towards Apollo Bay with a turn to the right 20ks before Apollo Bay that takes you through the forest to Lavers Hill, onto the Great Ocean road and Port Campbell where we stopped for lunch. After a beer and lunch we headed to Port Fairy for an overnight stay at the Caledonian Hotel with a bit of dancing and beers thrown in. Sunday morning seen us leaving in 2c temps, by 10oclock it had warmed up to 6c, our inland route had us coming home via Cressy and back into Melbourne on the Geelong bypass.
7 years ago
Nice to see crayfish on the menu.
7 years ago
Crayfish & Carlton Draught & good roads on a couple of HD's = real nice! Spot on. Thanks for pics.
7 years ago
Well done in the cold and the rain. Sounds like it was a good ride all the same.
Perhaps you wrere warming up fot the Brass Balls Run in July?
7 years ago
looks amazing guys,im very jealous
7 years ago
That crayfish would have been truly spectacular with an ice cold xxxx.......
7 years ago
Bloody looks like nice ride, good tucker, and beer is beer, but may be debatable. Keep photos coming as absolutely makes many take a move. Bloody good stuff, the ride i mean, and the beer.
7 years ago
port pub for lunch i see.this is my area,great g/mother was pub liscencee 1898 to 1904.too many international tourists to really enjoy the roads at times.would have been a good ride with that route.cheers
7 years ago
Good write up and pics mickle but where said this:
"After a beer and lunch we headed to Port Fairy for an overnight stay at the Caledonian Hotel with a bit of dancing and beers thrown in"
Any pics of you and China dancing?!
7 years ago
I reckon I have seen that video. I got a bad feeling..
7 years ago
Funny all round bwahaha
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