Tri-glide (coming soon)

  • keith
    7 years ago
    Have ridden them when on tour with the dealers demo days, whole new experience, on the wish list.  
    7 years ago
    When I am an old fart
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    If I get to the point where I can't hold up a solo then they'll be on my short list but until then I'll keep riding a solo.
    And even then I'd have to think hard about whether I'd convert whatever bike I had at the time or buy a new tri-glide (don't think I'd go for a free wheeler even though it's cheaper).
  • Jayman6
    7 years ago
    There's a WA based operator who's converting Harley's to trikes. Reportedly very good work. 

  • Rumpig_63
    7 years ago
    TC Customs is the fella in WA does an excellent job and is actually liaising with HD Aust I believe to allow conversion of new bikes to keep warranty.