Online: tussuck

AFL Indigenous Round 2017

  • robots
    7 years ago

    check out nick didge also

  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    Wtf did I just watch (or skip through) and why?    It looked like an advert for an aborigine resort (if they exist) , except where they don't try to sell you the holiday package at the end.    Was there a tie in to the AFL at the end?  What exactly are you, or the video, trying to say? 
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Well that was a waste of 7 min of my life
  • chriso
    7 years ago
    I made it 10 seconds in
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Can i just ask if the aboriginals are so proud of their colour, why do they always paint themselves white?
  • robots
    7 years ago
    dont know Paulybronco
    Yothu Yindi (mostly indigenous)

  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    Meh, didn't intend to start a race war  :P  When I saw the topic "AFL Indigenous Round 2017" I just thought the video would be relevant to that.   I kept waiting for some guy to start talking about the AFL and aborigines ...
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Like you, so not really sure what the point of it was......did i miss something?
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    At least you know who you're cheering for.