screamin eagle tuner gurus

  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    Hi, im going to do a smart tune for my street bob. Wouldnt mind getting a bit of advice from someone a bit more in the know. I have the software and understand how to flash it a d smart tune just after some advice and tips they may give me a better result.
  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    I read on another forum i could change the decel enleanment or simply
    raise the ve's 10.0 or just max them at 127 in the 0% at the rpm it is popping at.

    Does this sound fair?
  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    Im not going to rush out and tune it tonight mate so id be happy to hear how youd do it when you get the time.
  • fatslim
    7 years ago
    Hilly would be a good bloke to accept advice from on SE Tuner. 
    Apart from wanting to ride, he does have the full range of distractions: self employed, wife, billy lids and a doogan.

    None of the methods you have described would be the best way to deal with decel pop. 
    There's more to this tuning caper than meets the eyes and ears. Clearly you've realised this, good start.
    The capability of the device is limited by the operator in most cases.
  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    Ive just watched the tutorial and a few vids online about the smart tune. It appears that getting a lot of recorded data and updating that base map,  then head out again and get more data another update and so on. I assume the more data rides and downloads the better. I did note that i cant do any quick backing off of the throttle while recording or this will cause enleanment dramas in the tune (according to the tutorial.)
    Im happy to wait for the advice. We all have those life distractions and i realise nobody has to help so im patient enough.

    Ill play with the smart tune tomorrow if the weather clears up and go from there.
  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    Im keen to see them myself.
  • robots
    7 years ago

    Split your data run into 2 matt, idle up to 4000rpm and 4000rpm up, if you have to use lower gear for road safety issues, but keep it steady, hold for few seconds

    5-6 runs do the job, then move on 2 popping, low speed manners, warmup etc

  • dyna matt
    dyna matt
    7 years ago
    So after many phone calls, messages and a few emails. Hilly has pointed me down an amazing path. After going away from smart tune and making the tune a little more manual and customised, i started doing some data runs.
    Thinking i had it pretty right i adjusted the afr table and took her out. Still had a pop, this was my fault as i didnt gather enough data in that area. I was going to head out and gather more data, which i started but then the rain set in and i called it quits and added the data i had and manually adjusted the zero column in the afr table and ve tables. 

    It popped on me once or twice but nothing like it was. Around town it was every time i rolled back the throttle the popping was doing my head in.

    The minor popping isnt an issue.

    On the other hand, the bike is now a fuckin weapon. Pulls like it never has, now i definitely need a seat that holds me in. Braking traction in 3rd just by giving the throttle a decent twist and a touch of clutch. The response is insane.

    I cant thank hilly enough, for annoying him a fair bit and getting my bike running like it should. A few more "test" rides just to see if i can iron out the minor pops and all is sweet 
  • fatslim
    7 years ago
    Dunno what pipes you're running.... decel pop.
    You might be at the transition point on decel from fuel off to fuel on. 
    This happens between say 2050 and 1750rpm, as a guide. 
    If you are hearing a single pop in that area, on decel, you probably should consider being in a lower gear ;-)

    The SE tuner is a good thing provided you're not running a hotrod engine. MyTune is an excellent addition to assist the SE Tuner.

  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Well done Matt, see there is more enjoyment doing it yourself than paying someone else