Are my cables too long? Would this cause any problem?

  • shadowarrior
    7 years ago
    Hey guys,
    So I got my bike back from the shop after swapping the stock buckhorn bars from the 2012 XL Custom to a 10 inch Bitwell Chumps. The cables they installed (Magnum braided) are way too long. Apart from the front cosmetics, would this cause any problem? Specially the clutch cable being too long?


  • Daggs
    7 years ago
    Probably still operate but yes, way too long and looks off, I hope they are going to fix it at no charge to you?
  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    Wtf is that external wiring?  Blinkers?  That alone would drive me insane(r).
  • Krackers60
    7 years ago
    How does this differ to the original setup?
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    Gotta say that looks like it was done by a mongoloid. I would have not ridden it out of the shop. In fact i probably would have burst out laughing thinking it was a practical joke.
  • Big Steve
    Big Steve
    7 years ago
    Two ways to fix it:
    - Higher Bars
    - Proper Length Cables

    Not sure what "Shop" did the work but between the wires cable tied to the bars and what appears to be half a foot of excess cables i'd be demanding my money back.
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    agree big steve , pretty ordinary job looks wise and clutch cable would give issues followed by throttle cables in time.
  • shadowarrior
    7 years ago
    This is what it looked like before. The Bitwell chumps don't support internal wiring, and doesn't have the slots like the stock buckhorn to install the wiring clips. I'll take it back to the shops.

  • me_ashman
    7 years ago
    Maybe have a go at doing the cables internally.... Make some holes..... It cleans the bars up ??
    Nice looking bike otherwise.
  • FLHuTChU
    7 years ago
    I agree needs to have correct size cables. That is not acceptable.