Engineers Certificate

  • Neale
    7 years ago
    Hello all. I just had a mate tell me that because I took my 883 to a 1200 I now need an engineers certificate to make everything legal as far as rego goes. Any comments appreciated.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    Tell your mate , it is only a 74cid, that will confuse him!
  • skirtster
    7 years ago
    In Victoria if it's an optioned as 883 & 1200 same bike you only need a rwc. From looking at it how can you it's not a 883.
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    not hard to do capacity check. they do it on race bikes & cars & have done for years. 
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    I had a yammy RD250lc as a young fella. (don't know if anyone remembers them) Everyone was fitting the 350lc heads and cylinders. I never did it cause I thought the authorities could easily tell. Before I got thinking about it too much, a friend rode it into the side of a car and nearly killed himself. 
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    The equation for finding the engine displacement of a motorcyle engine is: ((bore multiplied by bore, multiplied by stroke, multiplied by PI), divided by the number of cylinders in the engine), divided by 1000.   The bore is 95.3 mm (3.75 in) and the stroke is 101.6 mm (4.00 in), meaning the displacement is 88 cu in (1,450 cc). The Twin Cam 96 displaces 96.7 cu in (1,584 cc).
  • AlHD48
    7 years ago
    Lol . This is hilarious. No one will find out . 
    Plus no one gives a f

    You will get pinned for an exhaust before anything 
  • AlHD48
    7 years ago
    Just enjoy smoking people who think you are on a 883 lol
  • skirtster
    7 years ago
    Just tell them it's been rebored.
  • tussuck
    7 years ago
    yeah...tell him hes talkig chit!  (he is worried that you will blow his 110 out of the water; which a 1200 will do)
  • Geoff3DMN
    7 years ago
    I have never heard of anyone ever being asked about this, let alone being booked for it!
    And I'm pretty sure that in Victoria at least if the same basic model (like a commodore or a sportster) is available with different engine options from the factory then it's legal to fit any of the engines to vehicles that had smaller ones (assuming that other equipment like brakes is changed if different).

    Given that HD make 883 and 1200 sportsters I strongly suspect that it's actually not only 'ignored' but actually 'legal' to fit a HD screaming eagle 1200 kit or a complete 1200 motor.

    It'd be a big less black and white if you fitted an after market 1250 kit (for example) but you're still NOT going to get booked so don't worry about it.
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Only issue I can think of would be you prang your 883 and a clever insurance investigator finds out its got a 1200 top end and they refuse to pay out on your claim. 
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    7 years ago
    Eggs Ackerly.
    Reckon the investigator will be looking more for faults in the operator . Like what is in your blood etc.
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    If a bikes already been binned you don't need to be delicate it pulling things apart to inspect. There are other ways of finding out too. For starters they can inquire with shops that do the work, review ebay or forum purchases etc 
  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    I've done two 883/1200 conversions and I didn't bother updating the rego on either one.  Having said that, mine were less conspicuous, there was not way you could tell from the outside, as I used the 883 heads and the upgraded barrels were not marked.  It might be a different story if you have heads and cylinders marked with something that could be identified like "Screamin Eagle".  That would be an easy giveaway.
  • Neale
    7 years ago
    Well.........I set off a bit of a discussion. My friend who raised the topic with me was concerned as the rta had told him that once engine capacity had been increased by over 20 percent from original an engineers certificate was required by law. The same friend had a bad accident in his ute, his fault, and both himself and the person in the second car were hospitalised for weeks. His worry was how much the extent was of an investigator taking notes and such. I can verify how bad the report was as I can remember him showing me the paperwork. It was 2 inches thick. Something to be aware of people. As for getting an engineers report myself, this is my second 883-1200 conversion, and I ain't saying shit. I just wanted to know if anyone had advice. Thanks for the responses.
  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    You're right pauly investigators never look online aye. I don't know what I was thinking 
  • srd0060
    7 years ago
    So have you taken the reflectors off the bike..... it illegal and most likely need engineering. The 883 frame and kit is more than capable of taking the upgrade it a standard HD upgrade. 
  • Neale
    7 years ago
    Yes mate, threw all 4 of those to the shithouse in the first week. 
  • Neale
    7 years ago