HD Forums Australia
Topcoat 411.
Topcoat 411.
7 years ago
this stuff is my choice , I was hesitant at first the price $45 for a 400g can but you only use a tiny bit & as the microfiber gets loaded up it spreads.wipe over everything paint chrome screen seat the shine is brilliant
& coats in a wax, one can lasted nearly a year
7 years ago
And mine, works a treat at removing stains as well
7 years ago
I would not bother with it...too expensive and a sub-standard product (You can buy CarPro Reload in AU for way less and its a better quality product).
Best solution is to do a proper paint correction and finish with a Ceramic coat and then use a Topcoat / Reload product as part of a good maintenance routine. My 09 Sporty is Ceramic coated and all i have to do nowadays is wash and and then apply sealant once a month or so (Reload in this case). The frequency is high as the bike is not in a garage and is ridden every day rain or shine.
Wax is just not needed if the products are up to par.
7 years ago
My experiance with Reload is that its suited to go on after the Ceramic I use (I know they are both from the same company so it could be just marketing hype). Did the wifes old black Lancer about 6 months ago with a full correction and ceramic and all I have done since is was and Reload. No micro marks or anything seems to get through the ceramic!
The ceramic for a jeep would be around $130 then about $50+ easy for the products used in a correction + the time; for a full job - foam, wash, clay, decontam, 2 stage correction, ceramic prep, ceramic and then Reload you could easily spend 6-8 hours on the job. (for me it a hobby on the wifes car and bikes as maintenance is now a wash and leafblower to dry once a week)
7 years ago
Used it about 2 years ago on a black Harley. Initially impressed with it but since then have moved onto other products that I think are better. Nothing wrong with it per-sec, I just like the combination that I currently use instead.
Far Canal
7 years ago
If it is your tank, guards or other paintwork that is a bit scratched up then this stuff is pretty good at getting rid of those pesky scratches.
It requires some elbow grease and perseverance but works well.
No need to ship from the US either.
The Fiberglass Shop in Argyle street (just up from Mc Dougalls chainsaws) stocks it.
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