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883 - 1200 sporty conversion questions

  • Adam76
    7 years ago
    Hey guys, 
    Tried searching but couldn't find the info I was after.

    I'm looking for some advice on the  conversion of a 1996 883 to either a 1200 or one of the "bolt on"  specially designed 1250cc kits like from hammer performance and the like, plus a set of cams of course. 

    I want to do the work myself as well and then just get it tuned. A/c and thunder header pipe or bassani RR III  pipe also in the mix...

    My question is, do I

    (A) buy a set of aftermarket 1200 cylinders from S&S or Axtell etc and get them bored and honed locally to fit a set of weisco reverse dome pistons, drop the cylinders straight in, add some andrews cams, set at around 10:1 and get it tuned?

    (B) buy the compete 1250 kit that comes with nice jugs, pistons and rings all pre installed if you want, bolt it together with the addition of cams and get a tune. These performance 1250cc kits like the NRHS kit can be had from US $650!!!! And others like hammer performance and S&S kits seem to be around the US$1100 mark, which is not too bad for a built on kit with all gaskets included.

    Thanks for any advice.
    Oh, and my aim is not a high HP build chasing numbers... All I want is some more grunt and a lumpy sounding sporty. Cheers

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    If you're going to get the cylinders bored you might as well use your 883 cylinders rather than buy a set of 1200 cylinders and get them bored. 

    I've done two 883 to 1200 conversions.  The last one I did myself, the kit with everything included is the best option in my opinion.  Messing around with getting cylinders bored can be time consuming and risky if not done right.  Whereas a kit comes with everything pre-made and ready to fit. 

    Also, it's not just tuning the carb, you will probably also want to change over the ignition module to a 1200 module.  I did a conversion on a '92 Sporty and had to change over the ignition module.  The 883 module would constantly cause fouled plugs once the motor was converted.

    Take a look at these topics:

  • Adam76
    7 years ago
    Thanks king chops that's great info. 
    NHRS are doing a special at the moment for a 1250 kit for US $599 looks  like that is a deal too good to pass up.... Unless you would suggest going with another brand? S&S? 
  • Krash Kinkade
    Krash Kinkade
    7 years ago
    Ok no worries