Cable Lubrication

  • Stones
    7 years ago
    Hi Guys
    Whats the scoop with both clutch/throttle cable lubrication? Should I or should I not be lubricating? I have read somewhere that late model bikes don't need it as they have an inner Teflon coating. 

    I have a '15 Dyna Wide.

  • fatslim
    7 years ago
    Personal preference. If you're riding in shit weather, during winter and you're a belt and braces type of bloke.
    HD doesn't suggest lubrication in their Service Manual.
    Clutch cable (yep, it's teflon lined too) is lubed at base by trans fluid in cable, bit o grease at the lever pivot doesn't hurt.
    Throttle cables are teflon lined, can use silicon spray if you fancy. Grease in the throttle cable boots up at the bar to prevent water ingress or cendensation.

    Haven't had to replace a throttle or clutch cable that's failed in years, with or without lube.
