Today's Ride

  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Haven't been to that Pub in 15 years! Nice pics. That Breakout with the 2:1 pipe must sound a bit of all right. Come to think out it, that lot of bikes would have been heard coming from Mingela.
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Sounds alright to me -- good run that way with mates on HD's. Do it in winter and it might just be cold enough for a fireplace/fire pit at the Pub. I've got my wood heater pumping now, actually.
    Don't drink anything funky at that Pub though, word always was it is haunted. Lock your door!
  • keith
    7 years ago
        Nice looking group of bike there Hilly, lots of mining history through that area and the town in its heyday.