HD Forums Australia
rake at the tree for rushmore baggers?
rake at the tree for rushmore baggers?
7 years ago
nobody knows? amazing !
you will go to the top of the class if you can help me here rushmores changed the steering from earlier models including stem width!
there some 1/2 inch difference between offset top and bottom , so theres already rake at the trees . Does anyone know what the degree of rake for these bikes are 2015 up ????
h e l p
thanks pat
ps mine is a road glide hoping F L H and mine FLTRXS are the same ???
7 years ago
those later flt/roadking have da good old FXR frame but with a extended frame goose neck to add length into da bigger bike to make more room & too be also steady on da road , their bottom tree's are on backwards to add more trail in da steering for more straight line stability , & that make's for slower steering esp @ slow speed's
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