HD Forums Australia
obisteve, B0nes
Cleaning electrical component area?
Cleaning electrical component area?
7 years ago
Good morning to all
What's the safest method for cleaning the electrical areas under seat and behind the side covers?
I have a '14 Ultra Classic that has
a build up of road grime and dust etc after a few long trips that involved using roadwork detours combined with rainy periods.
I'm not so sure about washing these areas with soap and water and have tried compressed air with little luck.
Has anyone used an electrical contact cleaner spray like WD40 or similar?
Any info you can
pass on would be appreciated
Cheers Shackle
7 years ago
Use a soft plastic brush, like a dustpan brush or large paint brush. Dampen it a little if there's lots of dirt, then wipe over with a rag or blow off with compressed air.
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