
  • KurtFatty
    7 years ago
    Hey everyone,
    I'm having no luck trying to find out what engine work has been done by the previous owner of my bike.  All I can get is it has a bigger cam (doesn't know particulars)... All the work has been done by the owner before him.
    He bought it from Fraser Motorcycles in Newcastle as it was traded in by the then owner for a brand new Harley.
    I know it's a looooooooooongshot but anyone know of someone trading in a Black 1994 Fatboy around the end of 2014 in Newcastle?

    Super strange question I know but it's 2017 and Donald Trump is President so what the hell.

    Cheers for any info in advance!


  • KurtFatty
    7 years ago
    Thanks LoftyBob,
    Unfortunately Fraser's have no service history with the vehicle at all, none, zero, nudda.  It ain't looking good.  I knew it was a longshot...
