Street Glide High voltage

  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Hi Gents, just back from a ride when i noticed the power vision reading 16.80volts. The on board volt meter was pinned to the stopper as well. Regulator rectifyer issue........??
  • daddyracer56
    7 years ago
    what year model bike is she , if it early t,c watch when changing da oil filter , it runs on too da alt /rec plug even pre 99 evo ya have too clean da plug & make sure pin's are tight fit if not spread them a little , if older than 6 years expect problem's 
  • daddyracer56
    7 years ago
    before ya fit da reg check alt output , & make sure new reg is ground to earth proper  cheers bob
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Let me bore you briefly with the head in the sand mentality of distributors here in Aust. We bought a new $55k Mazda Bt 50 and the battery kept going flat. Back and forward to the dealer at least 6 times with the same "it must be an intermittent fault"cant find any reason the battery goes flat. "You don't leave the lights on do you"? Yes we do as its a feature we paid extra for on the top of the range vehicle you fuckwit!!!! Any way the dealer replaced the battery and the very next day it required a RACV jump start, the service tech told me that they do shit loads of calls for BT50 and Ranger for the same issue. Anyway i get jack of it and call Mazda being an ex dealer principal of a  Mazda  dealership i have a small clue about vehicles. I get referred to their tech department and then lectured that the 30klm each way to wk per day is not enough time to charge the battery! So when i interrupted to mention that i felt.........well i must admit to saying "What a fucking load of bullshit" they terminated my call. So i went away had a temper tantrum, returned and rang Mazda back. Once i gave them the rego i was informed that as i was "rude and aggressive" to their tech so they would no longer deal with me. So a Google we go to see what the issues are......well 556000 posts agree that there is a problem. So not wanting to give up i document my issues and send it to Mazda, my local dealer rings and says there is no issue with the vehicle. I point out the stats that i have along with multiple thousand owners WORLDWIDE to be told "We have never seen this problem before, and as for the forums that's just nonsense" So i did play nice and next time it went flat i rang the dealer and they told me to get it towed to them and they could look at it WITHIN A FORTNIGHT......The answer lays in the alternator that is "smart" and only charges when the battery gets low, it now runs dual batteries and have had no issues
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    Pauly, what's your assessment why dealers act like that? Lazy? Playing the odds (ignore enough ppl for long enough, it won't be our problem?). VW mastered this approach and I reckon it costs them money ... but probably not enough to really change.
    You gotta think plenty of folk give up on the dealer, forgo making it Mazda's or whoever rightful problem to fix and go independent or something at their own cost.
    Luckily, I've never had anything that bad to deal with but I try to: have a relationship with the dealer or mech, and be a persistent prick. Force people to take responsibility.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    A true gentleman PB

  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Aah. The old family guy defence

  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    New part in.........charging normally in the 10min it has run. Next few days will be the telling time.
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Yes hear you with the purpose issue. The alternator freewheels for most of the time and therefore reduces drag and as a by product use less fuel. Rather pay a few $ more at the pump rather than $80 per time to tow the fucker to the dealer. It has excellent fuel consumption on the back of the towie! LOL