Online: paulybronco

Best cams for a 2005 FLHT Standard

  • Degsy
    7 years ago
    Hey people, I have a 2005 FLHT with Mikuni flat slide, Arlenes heavy breather and 2 into 1 Supertrap exhausts. Just wondering what would be the best suited cams for the old girl.
    Any ideas. Please I dont want anything to crazy just something that will give it a bit more mid to top end.
  • Spook
    7 years ago
    Perhaps the cams that the Moco designed for it?.........just sayin'.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Oh come on young spook. Not everything on their bikes is as good as it could be (straight off the shelf) 
  • Spook
    7 years ago

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