Online: paulybronco, speedzter

Balanced engine?

  • srd0060
    7 years ago
    I have been told that the Dyna engine is not a balanced engine?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    7 years ago
    No they aren't, that's why they have rubber engine mounts. Also why the engine jumps around in the frame at idle, then settles down a bit when up and going.
    The softail motors have an inbuilt counter balance set up.
    There are pros and cons to both.
    But I have been told I am a lunatic.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    7 years ago
    Well I have been told, from more experienced folk that the unbalanced Dyna motor can be hotted up more than the balanced type ones that the softails sport.
    Although this seems a moot point, as I have also heard a well known performance improving identity on this forum say this is not entirely true.
    Maybe some real expert will chime in?.
  • FXDF08
    7 years ago
    To be honest, once my Dyna is past idle it's as smooth as any HD I've ridden. Maybe I don't notice?
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    being a new to hd rider i wasnt aware of what was vibes and normal [ '07 fxdl ]. pick up day comes and on the ride home [ test ride around geelong didnt get to highway speeds]the vibes were that bad at around 100 km i couldnt keep my right foot on the home and checked the front engine mount [after google search] and found the mount had "collapsed",fitted a new mount and the vibes were 98% gone .
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    its all good jfe hums along nice now.cheers