Night Train to Roadster

  • ryno_0000
    7 years ago
    G'day All, 
    Well have likes the roadster since it was released,  so test rode one today out of curiosity. Handled great, but lacked torque and power,  not to day there is none their,  just not delivered the way I'm accustomed (through a worked 103). 

    Anyone think i got rocks in my head for considering a swap? Not worried about value, just purely as a riders perspective. 

    I commute daily on the bike, with riding a big part of my lifestyle. Won't need to worry about going two up. Would like a longer overnight / touring ride every now and then (once or twice a year). 


  • fatbat
    7 years ago
    Sounds like you want a dyna 
  • ryno_0000
    7 years ago
    Well I rode the Low S, gezz I thought my bike was quick till I rode it. It revs so freely, if only I could put that engine in my Night Train...