Harley Part Costs

  • OILLEAK2008
    7 years ago
    This may be a dumb question but do genuine dealer HD parts cost the same from all dealers within an Oz state?? 
    Ie: In NSW, would a full filter set cost the same via Concord Frasers compared to Blacktown HD or do they differ????. 

    (& if so - why???)



  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    Short answer , No. There is a suggested retail price for everything but its up to a dealer to decide what their margins are, same as buying a new bike without a trade.
  • JFE
    7 years ago
    ... and different dealers have discounts for various groups etc (HOGs, military). Build a relationship with your dealer and it may or may not pay off.
  • paulybronco
    7 years ago
    And depending on the dealer if you bought your bike from them they give you a discounted price
  • softfat
    7 years ago
    Paully is spot on. Priced a headlight trim for the fatty from a dealer in a main town while away on holidays and was quoted $71 but none in stock. Rang the dealer I deal with in Sydney and wanted to order one for when I returned. Had them in stock $65, non discount price, and he held it for me. Suspect the price difference is the transport mob can deliver to all dealers in Sydney in one go keeping costs lower, whereby main town only has one dealer. Even though the price was dearer in the main town, I still would have purchased it if in stock to support the dealer.
  • FLHuTChU
    7 years ago
    As Sol once said "oils ain't oils".
     Some dealers are a pleasure to deal with, and since I have a good repore with them, I tend to buy my stuff off them. Most of the time i get a discount without even asking. They look after me, and I keep my business with them. And I have not bought a bike from them!
    Other dealers that I have bought bikes off previously are a pain to deal with, they have crap counter staff and usually never have the bits I want. I still get a discount if I do buy bits, but I tend to steer away from them. 
    Like previously stated, all parts have a msrp (manufacturers suggested retail price), and are very close dealer to dealer. But I dont mind getting a discount and great service!
     This will win me every time and keep me going back.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Went to our main city HD dealer to do some "Just looking"
    Bloke behind the counter couldn't have been more chatty and friendly. When I said I had a new'ish' bike and was always on the hunt for accessories, he offered and gave me the 2017 Harley accessories catalog "a monster sized book"
    When I looked surprised, he cheekily said it wasn't "free" and hoped to see me again soon.
    Anyway, forced it into into fire511s swing arm bag and headed home. I had an enjoyable afternoon pouring through the hundreds of beaut colour pages. Beats hands down trying to look at bits and pieces on the internet.
    I'll have to get the sticky tabs out and leave the book lying a round for the missus when birthdays, fathers days, anniversary's roll around.
  • steelo
    7 years ago
    Thanks PB.
    I love the bike as it is but I can dream
    Some items on the wish list

    Mid frame air deflectors
    Front fork wind deflectors like TimSG's (although seems a difficult find for some reason) that fit 2014 onwards with lowers
    Maybe the tourpack quick release
    Internal fairing aerial
    Not HD I know, but V&H quiet baffles
    Fairing and pannier covers
    Those beautiful agitator wheels
    Better shocks