Forum content shakeup

  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    Just some early notice that there's going to be some changes to the forum structure.  The forums below the bold headings will be merged into the bolded forum.  The for sale section will have all posts older than three months deleted. 

    General Duscussions - bike related
        Biker Women
        Ride Reports
        Press Articles
        Forum how to's

    Workshop General:
         WorkShop EFI
         Reference Docs/How to's

    Photo and video gallery - private:
         Member Video Gallery

    Parts wanted
         - Bikes/cars/vehicles wanted

    Business directory - bike related
        - Business directory - other

    The following forums will have all posts older than three months deleted:
     Bikes.. for sale
     Bikes.. wanted
     Parts for sale
     Parts wanted

    This makes the site easier to navigate as the number of forums is reduced by 10.  All topics and posts from the merged sections will still be in the new sections.  Aside from the deleted for sale posts which in most cases are no longer needed.

  • steelo
    7 years ago
    What about stickies KC. Do you think they might be worthwhile
  • 2010LO
    7 years ago
    While the suggestions are coming in, any way to add a "first unread post" button? 
  • brucefxdl
    7 years ago
    lookin good kc,anything that makes life easy is good.cheers
  • Tim S.G.
    Tim S.G.
    7 years ago
    Appreciate your work KC .
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    Good changes for me with the exception of the Product Reviews being merged as i like to look through that for items that a keyword search doesn't show.
  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    Some further refinements, the following forum will be merged:

    Parts wanted
         - Bikes/cars/vehicles wanted

    Business directory - bike related
        - Business directory - other
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    Thanks mate. Its an excellent reference and comes up often on google searches.
  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    I'm also thinking that "Take it outside" should be merged into "Off topic - members only".  Then a new forum be created called "Off topic - public".  I can then seed the new "Off topic - public" with many of the threads that exists in "Off topic - members only" that really shouldn't be in a members only section.
  • punkin
    7 years ago
    Sounds ok. I'm fine with off topic, but do not read topics in the take it outside section as i don't agree with most of the sentiments expressed. I like the fact that the bulk of that stuff is grouped in one section so that those people who don't want to read that crap can choose not to.
  • Soapbox2627
    7 years ago
    While you are taking suggestions

    About the bright background??
    I am on a Spyder forum that lets you choose your background, is this an option here

    Spyder Forum

    left side, "Choose a Theme"
  • Kingchops
    7 years ago
    I've deployed the content merge and updated the forum to v1.0.0.8.  Main changes are:

    - Forums merged as described above.

    - Site search has been greatly improved.  An audit of search revealed that not all post history was included, so I've fixed the issue and re-index the whole site.  All posts from day 1 are now in the search.

    - Also included were various internal bug fixes.
    - Some performance improvements which should make the site slightly quicker (it was pretty good already).

    Let me know if there are any issues?
  • Baloffski
    7 years ago
    Hey KC, you have done a great job, thank mate. 
    Just a question, I'm looking for some information that was posted a while ago, but can't seem to find it. Is there a quick find tool I can utilise subject matter, as I have tried and comes up with only one page which doe not  include my seeking of said subject?
  • Roo Ted
    Roo Ted
    7 years ago

    No questions KC, just a big THANK YOU for organising a great forum. Your work is appreciated.

    Thumbs Up...... if we had that option.

    Cheers Roo.

  • softfat
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I'm with Roo Ted. Thank you for your time and trouble KC. People (not here though) are quick to complain but very slow to praise someone's efforts. 