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Modifying stock Mufflers

  • srd0060
    7 years ago
    Hi, has anyone or can someone help me I like the look of stock pipes but I was going to pull the baffels out of my stock mufflers on my new street bob any issue or is it bad for back pressure?
  • Bonkerz
    7 years ago
    I kept my pipes in case I get done for noise.  But maybe you've got two sets or whatever...  

    Ripping out the baffles will mess with back pressure.  Some say it doesn't make much of a difference, some say a lot.  It's all a matter of opinion, but I noticed it almost immediately when I fucked with a set of SE slip ons.. 
    Stock pipes make the bike run wrong anyway so, presuming you're hell bent on not getting a real set of pipes or slip ons - taking out the baffles is usually an improvement  (I have seen it fuck up a tune) - especially if you make or buy a set of torque inserts so you can adjust the back pressure.

    As far as sound goes you'll go from sewing machine rattle to slightly deeper sewing machine fart - not worth the effort imo.

    Best advice is just buy some pipes or slip ons.  You'll be much happier.

  • me_ashman
    7 years ago
    I pulled mine from my slim, made a set of torque inserts and yeah they're loud (definately not sewing machine fart). Pulls like a mule if you do it right. I also cut the exhaust flap out and welded a new piece in it's place so they're no different to any aftermarket headers (ie v&h big shots).
     I came from true duals and before that s&s slash cut slip ons (these are exactly the same as my stock stripped slip on, as I compared them before I sold them).... On both the pissy twisted baffles did nothing really except create very minor back pressure.

    I'm not sure what's involved in pulling your baffles but mine were 3 rivets so putting them back is a very simple job.